Chapter Thirteen

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

I wake up and I feel terrible.

I get up and look at my reflection in the mirror.

I look horrible.

I go to my closet, I pull out a pair of black sweat pants and a t-shirt and head down stairs.

"Hey, where is Peeta?" My mother asks me.

I swallow hard and everything that happened last night comes all flooding back to mind.

"It looks like he didn't stay since you were in your room and there was a bag of popcorn on the floor. You two didn't sleep in your room together, did you?" She bombards me with questions.

"Why do you care what I do all of a sudden?" I ask her a bit harshly.

This is the most she's talked to me in forever.

I stare down at the floor and feel my breath being taken away out of anger, frustration and confusion.

"Because you're my daughter and even if you don't think so, I do care about you."

I roll my eyes.

"What happened last night?" She asks me softly.

Tears start to form in my eyes and my mother does something I have been longing for her to do for years.

She comes over and wraps her warm arms around me and brushes back my wild hair out of my face.

"Katniss, what happened and why isn't Peeta here?" My mother asks me in a concerned voice, leading me over to the couch.

Hot tears begin to roll down my face, "He got upset and left and now he won't answer my calls or my texts." I sob into her blonde locks.

"Why did he get upset?" My mother asks me, just as confused as I am.

"I don't know. He came down after I got of the phone with Johanna. Jo and I were talking about him and I don't know if he heard and got upset or what happened."

"You were talking about him?"

"Not in a bad way." I cry.

She sighs.

"He asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing and not to worry about it. I told him that it was my problem and he wouldn't understand. Then he said he was gonna go home and give me time to think about it ." I choke out.

My mother wears that sad look on her face again, that look she wore for so long until last night.

Another thing Peeta made better until this happened.

"What did you and Johanna say about him exactly?" Mom asks.

"When Peeta was changing into his pajamas, I was down in the kitchen making popcorn and Johanna called me. I answered and she apologized for what had happened that morning." I start.

"Well, what happened?"

"She was being really rude and told Peeta and I we weren't invited to join everyone doing whatever it was they were doing. I don't see why because even if Peeta and I aren't together, why couldn't we have come?"

"I don't see why not." She says.

"That's why Peeta and I hung out all day, because Peeta said he didn't like seeing me upset so he kinda kidnapped me with Prim's permission and we went to dinner and then came here." I explain.

"Well, tell me what else you and Joanna talked about." She says.

"Johanna asked me if I liked Peeta."

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