Chapter Sixty-Five

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Katniss POV-

"Hey, Katniss?" Peeta says, nervously.

I look up, "Yes?"

"Um, I know it would only be for a few months and it may end up being more trouble than it's worth..."

"What?" I ask, obliviously.

"I was wondering if you would like to find an apartment with me?" Peeta blurts out.

Before I can speak, he interrupts me "But I mean it's only if you want to, you don't have to at all. I mean, I'm sorry, never mind, just forget it." Peeta says, overthinking it.

I can't help but to laugh at him, "Peeta, why are you so nervous? Of course we can do that but I mean you gave me a promise ring in front of hundreds of strangers and you weren't this nervous. Why now?" I ask placing my hand on his cheek.

I feel his face heat up under my hand, "I don't know, Katniss. I just thought you might say 'no' or be freaked out by it."

"Why would I be freaked out? And I mean we are adults now and we can make our own decisions, right?"

Peeta shrugs, "Yeah, I guess so. I just didn't want you to say 'no' or freak out. I don't know." He says franticly, throwing up his hands and making a creeped out face.

I burst out laughing, "Peeta, I would never reject you. Ever. And that was a cute face by the way." I tease him.

"So, you are serious?" He asks me, smiling.

"About what? You being cute? I'm dead serious!" I laugh.

"No, not that! I meant serious about us living together?" He chuckles.

"Well, yes! I am 100% serious."

He laughs, shocked maybe.

"I can't wait, Peeta. It will be so much fun." I say truthfully.

"We should probably ask your mom though." He raises his eyebrows.

"Probably so but she can't do anything about it. I mean if we wanted to we could've moved out on our 18th birthdays. And you could've been out of your house in September." I tell him.

"I know but I just don't want her to be upset that her baby is leaving." He says.

"Peeta, she will be fine and even if she isn't, I would've moved out for college anyways. She has Prim."

He shrugs.

A little later we arrive back to my house, Peeta and I agree to ask her now.

It can go two ways.

Either she will agree or all hell will break lose.

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