Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Katniss POV-

"Thank you for cheese buns." I tell Peeta as I stuff one into my mouth in a very unladylike manner.

Peeta laughs at me and eats his, making me look even more ridiculous than I already did.

"These are so good." I tell him truthfully, stuffing more food into my mouth.

"Slow down." Peeta laughs.

I shrug, "Sorry." I say, trying to eat slower but coming up unsuccessful.

"So, are you gonna read to me?" I ask him excitedly.

"Hm, maybe." He says, looking down but I can see the smirk that he is trying to hide.

"Peeta, you have to. I am your princess and you said we do whatever I want." I raise my eyebrows and give him a serious look that is obviously fake.

"Woah, is this princess thing gettin to your head, Katniss?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Yes, I'm gonna let out my inner diva, especially if we will be living together soon." I say in a snooty tone, poking his nose.

I love that we can joke around and not be serious whatsoever in our relationship but we can be sweet and serious when needed.

We have a lot of fun together and never get tired of each other.

He laughs, shaking his head.

"We will do whatever you want, only after you finish the book, my Prince." I promise him.

"Ready now?" He asks, holding his hand out.

"Let's go." I say happily and take his hand.

I pull him up and we go up to my room.

Luckily, Mom is at work and Prim is gone so we have the whole house to ourselves.

He goes to the shelf and grabs the book.

We sit on the floor, leaning against the wall and I wrap my arm around his as he opens the book to where we left off last.

He clears his throat and begins to read, "She looked into his tear filled eyes and nods her head making him the happiest man in the world. She had agreed to marry him and that is all he had ever hoped for, as he had loved her for the longest time."

"When he smiles, she can't help but smile back a sweet smile that he had always loved. Seconds later, they bring their lips together and kiss."

He continues but I can't even focus on the story.

All I can focus on is Peeta.

Every single thing that comes out of that boy's mouth is so intelligent and is perfect for the moment.

Peeta has such a way with words.

He could persuade anyone of anything, well, except maybe me, but he does a good job.

I think about how similar these two characters are to Peeta and I.

They have such a deep love for one another and they are best friends and can read one another like a book, just as Peeta and I can.

Their love story is made up but ours however, is not.

Our love story is real.

I am drawn back into the story as it nearly comes to an end.

The last lines of the story catch my mind and it is depressing but somehow it is okay.

"They had been married over seventy years as they married when they were eighteen years old. He was such a strong man but no longer could go on. He had died at age eighty-eight, leaving her widowed. Though she and her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were heartbroken, she knew that it would all be okay for they had lived their incredible love story. They lived a love story that many people weren't fortunate enough to live. They had an unbreakable bond with one another and it was very precious. Even though she passed away a few months later from a broken heart, she took her love story to her grave." Peeta ends.

"Oh." Is all I can manage to say as tears stream down my face.

Peeta looks over at me with sad but humored eyes, "So they just die?" He asks with a laugh.

"Peeta!" I laugh and slap his arm, playfully.

"What? That was a great book and they were all happily married with kids and then it just skipped to death!" He laughs.

"I don't know but that was kind of a cute but sad but weird book." I say, understanding what Peeta means.

"I did like one thing about this book though." He says.

"Hm?" I ask.

"I liked how the author says how their love story was a precious one. I mean any love story is precious but you know what I mean. I like how they said they took it to their grave even though it sounds creepy." Peeta says.

I let out a little cackle, "I liked that too but I do have to agree, the ending was a little sudden but it was still a good book. Thank you for reading it to me, Mr. Perfect." I say satisfied.

"Mr. Perfect? Ha!" He laughs.

"What? You are Mr. Perfect." I say truthfully.

"And if I am Mr. Perfect, then you must be Mrs. Perfect?" He says with a proud smile.

"Not yet." I say, looking down at my ring.

Peeta looks down too and smiles shyly.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He whispers.

My face is centimeters away from his and our lips meet.

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