Chapter Ninety-Two

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Katniss POV-

"Come on!" I say and jump from Peeta's side.

I quickly pull off my my dress, letting it fall into the sand and reveal my bikini covered body to anyone near.

Peeta gives me a 'What the heck?' look and then he grins as he jumps up too.

He smiles and he begins to chase after me as I run into the water.

He quickly strips from his shirt, leaving him in his swim trunks.

I run into the water and it is pretty warm since it is close to sunset and I begin running away from Peeta as quickly as I can, which isn't very quick.

I squeal as he catches me and grabs me by my waist and spins me around making my legs wade the water.

"Peeta! Put me down!" I shriek, full of laughter.

It's the first time that I've freely laughed in forever.

"No!" He says and runs through the water holding me like a sack of potatoes.

I am soaking wet from the salty water and so is Peeta but that's okay, we are having the best time.

He finally sets me down and we begin splashing one another with the water.

We extend our arms way back behind our bodies and bring them forward quickly, splashing a huge waves of water at each other.

We are both filled with joy and we laugh so hard that our sides hurt.

This is absolutely perfect, everything.

We chase one another around, splashing each other in the face, which doesn't bother us one bit.

Because we are best friends.

Yes, we are lovers but we play fight and sing to one another.

We do things that any normal best friends would do and we can act like the stupidest people and it isn't weird but we are so in love.

Our love is so apparent, it's almost as if it's a tangible thing.

Everyone says that you can see our love or feel it, even though love is exactly that.

A feeling.

It's that but also much more.

I don't know how to explain it, really.

He gets close enough to begin poking my sides, it drives me insane and he knows it.

"Peeta!" I screech as he picks me up on his shoulders.

His hands are on my stomach and he is tickling me and making my body go into a fetal position.

Finally, I can't contain my screams and giggles and I end up being flipped backwards into the water, head first.

Seconds later, I come up and sling my long hair around like a dog, hitting Peeta in the face.

He is laughing hysterically at my little tumble and so am I.

That's something else I like.

Just like any friends, when the other trips or falls, we just burst out laughing at one another. Of course, we make sure the other person is okay but we still laugh.

Our relationship is just so raw and unlike many others.

I see that the sun is beginning to set so I swiftly run out of the water and Peeta chases after me.

I go back to the exact place we were sitting just hours ago and lay down in the wet, warm sand as Peeta comes up and lays next to me.

He uses his arms for a pillow and crosses his feet as I lay my head on his very perfectly sculpted chest.

Peeta and I lay there in a comfortable silence, just watching the sun go down.

Watching the perfect shades of orange, and yellow fade into the orange, pink and purple distance.

His favorite.

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