Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Peeta's POV-

I feel terrible for what Prim and I did to Katniss, even though it was quite entertaining and she didn't seem too mad.

While she is upstairs changing and stuff I decided to make her some hot chocolate, just to kiss up a bit.

"Is Katniss mad?" Prim asks me as she watches me make the hot chocolate.

I shake my head, "No, I don't think so." I say truthfully.

Prim groans, "Ugh. How do you deal with her?"

"What's wrong, Prim?" I ask her.

"It's my sister. She is always in such a bad mood."

I snort, "She's not that bad, Prim. Most of the time she's playing around."

"No, not just then."

"She was but in her defense, even if she was seriously mad, I don't blame her."

"It's so annoying."

"The key to that is to love her."

"I do."

"Then remind yourself of that when she upsets you. I know that she has to do the same for others. But honestly, I love her so much, even when she's in a bad mood."

"You make her so happy but sometimes she just acts so rude no matter what."

I shrug my shoulders, Katniss is definitely more of a mother to Prim than a sister so I think Prim views it as being mean or bossy rather than caring.

Prim is a little sassy at times though and Katniss doesn't allow it and she often scolds her for little things that a sister shouldn't care about like grades or who she hangs out with.

Katniss does have a reason to get onto her at times but Prim just doesn't see it yet, but one day, she will.

She's in her ignorant phase of thirteen years old for sure.

I am not saying Katniss isn't ever in a bad mood but we all are.

I have bad days too and so does Prim.

And I'm not at all lying when I tell her we have to love each other through it.

Being empathetic is the key to Katniss and I's relationship, especially on bad days.

"It's not on purpose, Prim. I promise. She's just looking out for you is all she is doing."

"You must make her really mad sometimes, Peeta. How do you survive it?"

I chuckle, shaking my head.

I find it hilarious how much Prim is overreacting about Katniss's reaction to that.

It wasn't bad at all and what was, was obviously joking.

"I know I do but sometimes she's just stressed out and I understand it completely because I get the same way." I tell her truthfully.

Prim sighs, "But you don't take it out on me or your siblings, or Katniss for that matter. She takes it out on everyone."

"I'm telling you, Prim. She's really not as bad as she seems."

"Keep telling yourself that. You haven't had to live with her for thirteen years."

I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"What do you two stress about anyways? Everything always seems pretty great to me." She asks me curiously.

"Lots of things. High school is rough. I mean, you'll be there next year and you'll find out exactly why she's always stressed."

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