Chapter Sixty-Four

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Katniss POV-

We arrive at this restaurant I've never been to before and it is a really nice place to eat, I have heard.

When we walk inside, I am surprised to see all of our close friends here.

"Kat! Peeta!" I hear Finnick exclaim excitedly.

We walk over to the table with my friends and see that everyone is here.

I sit down next to Peeta and Annie.

"So, how do you all feel about us all being graduated?" Finnick asks everyone.

Everyone just shrugs their shoulders or answers with 'I don't know.'

"Johanna, did you get into that college you liked?" Glimmer asks.

Johanna applied for a school that focuses on the art of weaponry, obviously her forte.

I hope she got in.

It would be so good for her, plus it would help her get her anger out.

She is really good at using axes.

To be honest, I have no idea how she developed a talent for using axes but she is pretty handy with them.

She rarely does it but it's kind of like me with a bow and arrow, even though I haven't shot in years.

"Yeah, I did." Johanna answers nonchalantly.

"Johanna, that is great. I am so happy for you." I say truthfully.

"Thanks, Katniss. I heard you and Peeta will be living the second best life together soon." Johanna says, rolling her eyes.

"What? What is she talking about?" Glimmer asks confused.

I look at Peeta and he nods.

"Well, Peeta and I got accepted into the college in District 5."

"Oh my gosh! It's happening." Finnick squeals.

"What?" I ask in unison with Peeta.

"The official beginning of your forever." Clove says.

I hear several of them give a "Yeah!" I also see heads nod happily.

I look over to Peeta and he has the biggest smile ever. "That's cute." I say, laughing at my crazy friends.

After some more talking and jokes, our food is brought to us, I am just about to eat and Peeta nudges me.

"What?" I ask quietly.

He lifts up his glass of water and I understand.

"Forever and always?" He asks with a smirk.

I immediately lift mine and tap his glass with mine.

"Forever and always." I assure him quietly.

"I love you." Peeta says, leaning forward and kissing the tip of my nose.

"I love you." I tell him, proudly.

After a another hour or so, Peeta and I decide to go home.

On the way home, he asks me a question that actually shocks me.

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