Chapter Forty

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Katniss POV- (The following Monday)

"Hey, Prim." I say as she comes into my room to wait for me to finish getting ready for school.

"Hi." She says softly, laying on my bed.

"Listen, I'm really sorry that I've been in a bad mood lately." I apologize.

"That's okay, plus, you were sick so that didn't help."

"It's not that. I have just had some people bothering me at school and trying to hide it from Peeta is really hard." I admit to her.

"Why are you hiding it?" She asks me suspiciously.

"I just don't want him to worry. And I wanted to talk to you all weekend but I felt horrible so I hadn't had the chance." I say truthfully.

"It's alright."

"In my defense, I haven't talked to anyone."

"Not even Peeta?" She asks.

"Nope. Not even Peeta." 

She grins, "Do you feel better?"

"So much better. I didn't realize how much I talked until I couldn't." I say truthfully.

Prim smiles a little, giving me a hug.

(A few hours later, 4th period)

"Katniss!" Johanna yells from down the hall.

Peeta and I turn around, "Yeah?" I say.

"Go, away, Bread Boy. I'll let your girlfriend go in a minute." She says, shooing Peeta away.

He just laughs and walks to our next class, giving me a nod.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"I need you to help me."

I give her a look, "With what?"

"School." She says.

I laugh nervously, "Okay..."

"Your favorite English teacher is insane."

I snort, "Very true but what did she do?"

"She failed my essay. I worked really fucking hard on that." Johanna says angrily.

I roll my eyes, "I can guarantee you if you cussed anywhere in your paper, you got points off." I say immediately, knowing that has been an issue before.

Johanna is very smart but cursing in academic papers is against policy and she's tested that policy many times before.

"Well, no shit. Don't you think I've figured that out already? I didn't cuss." She says.

"I would hope not. Let me see." I say, knowing better than to believe her.

Her favorite word has got to be in there at least once.

She takes the paper from her backpack and I quickly scan over the comments Effie made in her hot pink pen.

"The word 'fuck' is marked Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven times." I say, giving her a look.

Johanna groans, "Fine but still, it's a really good paper!"

"You used a lot of bolded letters and exclamation points too. Are you seriously that angry all the time?" I ask her.

"Yes." She says, crossing her arms.

I laugh, "How am I going to help you then?"

"Help me correct this paper."

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