Chapter One: First Day Back

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November 13th, 1961. Emory and Ophelia Oliphant were sat in the living room with their two children, 3-year-old daughter Emma and 1-year-old son Nikolai, eating breakfast before Ophelia headed back to work after nearly two years absence.

Nervous was an understatement. For the past two years since Ophelia hadn't been working, she has been taking care of her oldest daughter for the two month period before she gave birth to Nikolai in February of 1960. She accepted her new role as a housewife, vowing to go back to work when Nikolai began attending Hogwarts.

Ophelia didn't expect to be going back to work so soon, it wasn't until Emory came home from work last Christmas that he said he would be leaving Hogwarts to spend more time with his children. As they all lived in London, Emory suggested that Ophelia go back to work as it is easier for her to see the children and work than it is for Emory.

And so, here they were in their living room. 1-year-old Nikolai was on Emory's lap, being fed a healthy breakfast that consisted of porridge and a variety of fruits, recommended to them by Dove and Rune, a recipe they used when they're daughter Anwen started to eat solids properly.

On the other hand, 3-year-old Emma was sat on the floor with her bowl of cereal placed on the coffee table. Emma was facing her father as she ate her cereal, laughing every time Nikolai deliberately missed the spoon, resulting in Emory being covered in porridge and mushed up fruit.

"How do you feel about going back to work today?" Emory asked his wife as he cleaned the mess from around his son's mouth.

Ophelia smiled as she picked herself up and grabbed a clean tissue from the box on the coffee table, she bent down and wiped off the baby food on Nikolai's chin and Emory's hands. "I don't know, I'm kind of uneasy but I think it's just the nerves, but I'll be with Archer anyways, so I think I'll be fine," Ophelia admitted.

"I'm sure you will, it can't be any worse," Emory reassured her, "you could have to remember around a 1000 kids names."

Ophelia laughed, "and finally get them right on the day they leave school."

Emory laughed with her, "you know, I kind of miss it."

"Of course you're going to miss it, you did it for fifteen years," Ophelia remembered the times that Emory taught her in her last year of school, "but it at least you got to teach Anwen before you left."

Emory smiled and nodded, "you seem to forget I barely taught her, the only time I helped her was when she struggled with potions," Emory looked at his wife who was cleaning up the empty bowls of cereal, "and I totally got her into quidditch, Rune's wasn't happy when she asked for a broom."

Ophelia laughed, she checked the clock on the wall, "I better be off then."

Emory stood up and moved one-year-old Nikolai to his hip, "good luck," he kissed his wife on the cheek.

She quietly thanked him as she bent down to pick up her daughter, "I'll see you later sweetheart, be good for your dad, okay?"

Emma smiled at her mum and wrapped her arms around her, "good luck, you're the best!"

Ophelia's and Emory's hearts melted at the sweetness of their daughter's words. Ophelia handed her daughter over to Emory and kissed Emma and Nikolai on the foreheads before giving Emory a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm off," Ophelia smiled, she grabbed her bag and left the living room.

She walked along the corridor to the front room which had a sofa and a fireplace. She walked into the fireplace and grabbed a handful of Floo powder. "Ministry of magic," Ophelia spoke clearly as she dropped the powder into the fireplace.

The green flames engulfed her and when they disappeared she was stepping out into the atrium.

She walked towards the fountain of magical brethren, as she did she was greeted by a few people in the centaur department who worked with Franko Andre, they welcomed her back to work and congratulated her with the birth of her son as they hadn't seen her since she was pregnant.

In front of the fountain was Archer Carr and Morgandy Shannon smiling brightly as soon as they saw her. The three hugged and began a discussion as they headed towards the lifts.

"How's Nikolai doing?" Morgandy asked as they stopped at the lifts.

"He's doing good, although I'm more concerned about Emory not being able to feed him properly, he's nearly two-years-old and is already playing games with Emory, he does it on purpose I tell you," Ophelia laughed, "it's not fun when you're cleaning up porridge and mushy fruit every morning."

"Are you using Dove's porridge recipe?" Archer asked.

Ophelia nodded.

"I think we've all used Dove's recipe now," Morgandy laughed.

"How're your girls doing, Arch?" Ophelia asked.

"Lilia thinks she's a centaur," Archer gave Ophelia a really fake-happy smile, "so myself and Ffion have to deal with our 3-year-old running around with a cardboard box on her back."

Ophelia and Morgandy laughed as they stepped into the lift. "I honestly can't imagine Starr or Abner doing that," Morgandy laughed as she thought of her children.

"I don't think Emma will be coming round to yours for play dates anytime soon, Arch," Ophelia said as she and Morgandy continued to laugh about Lilia's adventures.

"Stop bullying my daughter, you of all people, Oliphant, should know that you shouldn't bully kids after all your husband worked at Hogwarts," Archer looked down at Ophelia.

Ophelia held up her arms in defence, "exactly, my husband, not me."

The lift came to a halt and dinged, signalling the arrival onto the second floor, home of the auror office. Ophelia and Archer big their goodbyes to Morgandy as they stepped out. Morgandy closed the door and the lift left to head up to the seventh floor.

Walking down the corridor towards their department, Archer gasped as he remembered something that he needed to tell Ophelia. "You'd never guess who Harlen ran into the other day," Archer announced.

"Who?" Ophelia looked at Archer, her eyes wide as she feared what name would come out of his mouth.

"Professor Dumbledore," Archer smiled, "wouldn't have expected to see him out and about down Diagon Alley, after all, he is headmaster now, but there he was, apparently your old friend went for a job at Hogwarts a couple of years back."

"Riddle went to him for a job?" Ophelia asked.

Archer nodded his head, "Dumbledore didn't give it to him obviously, told Harlen he knows something is off with him, well I tell you he wasn't happy when he didn't get the job, looks like he cursed the position as no one has since had the job for any longer than a year."

Ophelia squinted her eyes, "why didn't Emory tell me about this?" she shook her head, "when did this happen?"

"About fifty-eight," Archer looked down upon Ophelia, "why'd you ask?"

"Of course," Ophelia shook her head and laughed to herself, "he goes missing for ten years, then turns up asking for a job at Hogwarts in 1958, Emory didn't tell me because I was pregnant with Emma."

"He's doing everything in his power to keep you and your children safe, Lia," Archer sighed, "what Tom did was despicable, and we're the only people who know about it, it's like everyone; those back at Hogwarts and ex-ministry workers are in a trance and know nothing of it, he cursed them all alright."

Unbeknownst to them, their old friend Tom Riddle was close by, and he was a very changed man.

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