Thank You!

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And so you've reached the end of After Darkness.

Hello to all the people who made it this far and stuck with my shitty uploading schedule and my awful writer's block for nearly two years.

Finishing this book has been a huge accomplishment for me after I dedicated so much time to working on it. It's honestly a huge weight off of my shoulders because I've always believed that once you start something you must finish it. And here I am, three years and a bit down the line since the very first moment that I publish the cast of Prophecy.

I don't plan to entirely end the Prophecy series as I'm sure after that ending you all have many questions or possibly some of you would hope to see more of my beloved characters, which is what I plan on doing. Speaking of, I plan to created a third book here on Wattpad but not a full story, just a book full of short stories about the characters and their lives now that the main story is over.

As this book has drawn to a close, I would like to sincerely thank every single person who has voted, commented, shared my story and privately messaged me about my story since I started it all the way back in April 2017. You genuinely do not know how happy each little gesture has made me feel and you have all be the reason behind my motivation. Although it may not show, I know the usernames of the frequent commenters and voters, whenever I post a new part and I see your username it brings me so much joy because I know you have all be following along this story with me ever since I was halfway through the first book. So a huge thank you to those individuals alone!

I have one more university assignment left until I've completely finished my first year and with university not starting up until September, I plan to spend all of this time dedicated to my own writing, working on my Theseus Scamander story, if you haven't read the first three parts you can head on over there after this ;) My TS book is only going to be approximately 30 chapters long, split into three parts (10 chapters per part). So I hoping that would be completely finished by the end of the year.

Once my HP franchise writing is done, I don't know where my writing will take me or if it will take me anywhere at all, but I hope I don't stop writing and I hope you don't stop reading.

I hope you are all staying safe and well in these dark times, I wish you all good health and hope you are all doing well. In the event that you are not and you need someone to talk to, my DMs are always open.

Once again, thank you so much for everything over these past three years.

Lots of love,
madlikewonderland x

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