Chapter Twenty-Nine: Recollection of Summer

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It was an ordinary day. Nothing unusual had happened in a while. Despite Ophelia being gone, life for Michael was pretty peaceful, he and Morgandy were awaiting the birth of their daughter and as he was a muggle who taught in a muggle school, Michael was enjoying the summer holidays to himself.

Today was Michael's day off. Now that Michael isn't working for six weeks, they only hire their children's nanny three times a week, the rest of the time Michael spends quality time with Starr and Abner. Today, Starr and Abner were out with their nanny, Veronica, so Michael decided to have some quality time to himself, well not really.

Despite it being the summer holidays, Michael still had to plan his lessons for when he was to return to school in just over a month. Before he began his lesson plan, Michael boiled the kettle to make some coffee to keep him awake. The summer heat was no help for Michael, it made him want to curl up into a ball and hibernate until the cooler months. So, the coffee was a reverse psychological tactic, it helps to keep him awake.

Michael decided to sit outside to do his work. He was sitting at the outdoor eating table with a sun umbrella above him to protect his skin from the summer sun. It caught him by surprise when the chair opposite him moved and someone sat in it.

Michael looked up, expecting it to be Morgandy back home from work early, she had only been working half-days in her final trimester. Michael smiled at the woman who sat in front of him and went back to writing his lesson plan.

Ophelia laughed as she looked to her watch to time how long it would take Michael to realise that it was, in fact, her and not Morgandy sitting in front of him.

After 20 seconds, Michael looked up - his mouth agape. Ophelia watched as he fell off his chair in shock, not really understanding how he did it, but she now understands how Abner is quite clumsy. Michael stood up, his mouth still wide open as he pointed at Ophelia.

"You're alive!" Michael exclaimed.

"And well," Ophelia smiled. "But, Michael. You cannot tell anyone I've been here, okay?"

Michael shook his head, "Ophelia, I don't think you quite understand. You've been missing for two months, Emory is basically going grey, your in-laws have your children and everyone thought you were dead," Michael stated. "I think everyone deserves to know that you're alive and well."

Ophelia sighed, "Michael, I know what I've put you all through..."

"I don't think you do, Ophelia," Michael snapped. "You disappear for two months and then suddenly appear before me to tell me not to tell the others. Harlen thinks you've fucked off back to Tom and joined him."

"I haven't gone back to Tom, I definitely would not betray my friends after everything we've been through." Ophelia took in a deep breath, "look Michael, the whole reason you can't tell anyone, not even Adonis or Archer, is because I'm on a mission. Shafiq gave this mission to me and Alexander Calvert, nobody knows about it other than myself, Calvert, Shafiq and now you. He knew about Tom and I being friends back in school and that I would easily get to know what Tom has been doing. Calvert went undercover as a Death Eater and I've been getting the dirt on Tom through him and through my own findings."

"So you're actually working against Tom?" Michael asked.

Ophelia nodded. A look of sympathy appeared on her face. "I hate how I've put you all in such a horrible situation, but there was no other way to do it. I couldn't tell anyone because of Tom. He would have sussed it out of one of us eventually. Not even Adonis or Archer knows. They've been assigned other projects to deliberately be kept away from this."

"But what about Fionn and Emory? Was that all part of the plan? Is Fionn really yours and Tom's love child?" Michael asked.

Ophelia once again nodded, "firstly, do not phrase it like that. Secondly, he is, but I didn't plan on ever telling anyone about Fionn. After all, he is mine and Tom's child. Despite it coming out, I knew it was the perfect time to leave, especially after Emory left. I honestly didn't think Emory would come back."

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