Chapter Sixteen: Abner is a Biter

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On her lunch break, Ophelia sat in her office with Archer as they talked about the idiotic things their children do at home and how they deal with them. The night before Ophelia had made cupcakes with Emma and Emory whilst Nikolai was having a nap.

Ophelia stood from her chair and walked over to her bag which was on her desk, she pulled out the box of cupcakes that she packed this morning, grabbing two before she put the box back in her back and headed back over next to Archer handing him a cupcake as she sat down.

"And who made these?" Archer asked as he examined the very poorly decorated cake, "I hope to god Emma decorated this."

Ophelia laughed as she watched Archer sniff the cake to see if it was edible, "yes, she did decorate that one, but she did help make it along with Emory."

Archer stopped mid-bite after he heard the words 'Emory' and 'make' in the same sentence, "if I get food poisoning, I will have an official enquiry made against you and Emory."

Before Ophelia could retaliate there was a knock at her door, Archer went back to eating the cupcake as Ophelia called in the mystery knocker. The door opened and Ophelia watched closely to see who walked through the door. Lucretia's dark, curly hair was the first thing Ophelia noticed as she walked through the door. Ophelia's eyes darted towards Archer who had stopped chewing and made full eye contact with her, both of their eyes wide. Ophelia knew straight away why Lucretia was there.

Archer swallowed the piece of cake he had just bitten off and cleared his throat, "I'll give you two some space," Archer smiled as he grabbed his bag and headed towards the door, "I'll see you afterwards, Lia, and we'll catch up in a bit, Lu."

Lucretia smiled as she quietly thanked him as he walked out, she closed the door behind him and walked over to Ophelia. Ophelia gave her a small, sympathetic smile and gestured for Lucretia to sit down where Archer was just sat.

"We both know why I'm here, Ophelia, so we may as well get into it," Lucretia said as she watched Ophelia's facial expression.

"He was looking for you," Ophelia declared, "I could see his heartbreak when he didn't see you with Ignatius."

Lucretia frowned, "I wanted to be there, I really did," Lucretia was holding back tears, "but, I couldn't face him, he's torn our family apart, my mother died from a broken heart, I don't even think he knows."

Ophelia's heart broke, "I don't think he knows either."

"She never wanted him to go down a dark path, she was always so optimistic about us both having bright futures, and instead he's in a vile organisation. Mother refused to let blood purity get in the way of her friendships, she saw past it," Lucretia cried, "and she lost her son because of his influence by Tom."

Ophelia couldn't speak, she didn't know what to say, so instead, she stood up and embraced Lucretia into a big hug. The best thing she could do right now was to be Lucretia's shoulder to cry on.

"Thank you, Ophelia," Lucretia cried into Ophelia's chest, "Ignatius would never understand and I knew you were the only one I could talk to."

Ophelia rubbed her back, as she quietly hummed in her ear to soothe her.

Lucretia pulled away, and wiped her tears, "look at me, I'm a mess. I care about my brother so much that I can't even face him."

Ophelia shook her head, "No, Lu, I completely understand," Ophelia reassured her, "as soon as he saw me he ran to me, he apologised for everything. I know he wants to see you again, and we can make that happen. I will be there if you need me to be."

"Would you?" Lucretia asked.

Ophelia nodded her head and smiled, "just let me know when you're ready."

"Thank you so much, Lia," Lucretia cried, "I knew you would always be there for me."

"Lu, you know I will, Ignatius is family and so are you," Ophelia reassured Lucretia.

Lucretia hugged her again, "I'd best be off, I've got to get back to work in five minutes."

"Okay, you know where I am if you ever need a chat," Ophelia smiled as she walked her to the door. Ophelia opened the door for her and saw Morgandy with a worried look on her face.

"Thank you again, Lia, I owe you one," Lucretia smiled. As she walked away she quietly said hello to Morgandy and carried on back to her department.

Morgandy and Archer looked at Ophelia and stormed into her office. As they walked past her Franko turned up with a pile of paperwork for Ophelia.

"Busy afternoon, Lia?" Franko asked as he handed over the paperwork.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Ophelia rolled her eyes.

Morgandy stormed up behind her, "Ophelia this isn't a gossiping matter," she said sternly, "get in her, Andre." Morgandy grabbed the two by the collar and pulled them into Ophelia's office, closing the door with her foot and once she let go she locked the door.

"What a welcome," Franko joked but quickly stopped laughing after he saw Archer's head shake.

Ophelia looked between Archer and Morgandy, struggling to read both of their faces, something was wrong and she knew it. Franko stood there awkwardly, he had never been this fully involved in the group's business, he wasn't as close to Ophelia as his sister was.

Morgandy shook her head as she reached into her back pocket. She pulled out a letter that she was hesitant to hand over to Ophelia. Ophelia watched as Morgandy looked at the paper and then back to Ophelia. Eventually, she handed it over and Ophelia opened it with precaution.

The later had been neatly folded with Morgandy's name written on it in face writing. Ophelia recognised the handwriting instantly. She looked up at Morgandy who was watching her carefully.

"I found it on my desk," Morgandy announced.

It was Tom's writing alright, from the neat curves to the way he deliberately wrote Morgandy's name. It was almost if he was mocking her.

"Be home soon, Morgandy.
                   Little Abner is a biter."

"He's in my house, holding my child," Morgandy panicked.

Ophelia turned to her desk and grabbed her bag, "what are you waiting for? Let's go."

The four rushed out of Ophelia's office and rand towards the lifts. Franko ran towards a separate lift and Archer gave him a questioning look.

"I'm getting Theo, we'll meet you at yours in 5 minutes," Franko exclaimed as he ran into his lift.

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