Chapter Twenty-Three: Emory's Nightmare

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"Morg, I have no idea what you're on about," Ophelia exclaimed.

"Oh, save it, Ophelia, you can't get out of this one," Morgandy spat, "I saw it when I had the prophecy about Tom, but I never thought it would have been Tom's."

Archer shook his head, "I can't believe you! I saw the smile on your face when Anwen said his name, the way his name rolled off of you tongue was so simple, it was like you've been dying to say his name," Archer was pacing around the garden.

"Guys, calm down, let's hear Ophelia out!" Michael said. His voice was soft and full of concern, it was clear that he understood Ophelia's position, but he wanted to know everything, just like Morgandy and Archer.

"When Tom and I were seeing each other again, I was so lost in the moment that I didn't realise I wasn't keeping track of my cycle, and then when I finally realised my period was late I was 3 and a half months gone. I knew that I couldn't kill the baby, but I also knew I couldn't keep it," Ophelia admitted, "Tom knows we have a baby, I told him the truth. In fact, the last time I saw him before he appeared in my office 6 months ago was when I told him I was pregnant."

"What was Tom's reaction to the baby?" Michael asked.

"He was happy," Ophelia spoke softly, "although, his actual intentions became clear when he said we should run away and raise the baby together like a proper family - he wanted me to go back to Malfoy manor with him."

"You did what was best, by giving him up and by not telling the family," Archer admitted, "does Tom know that the baby has been born and is still alive?"

Ophelia shook her head, "we haven't spoken about him, we agreed not to nearly 14 years ago."

"Then he doesn't know its a boy," Morgandy acknowledged.

"What kind of twisted person are you?" Theodore yelled as he closed the Lufkin's back door.

Ophelia felt her heart break into a million pieces. Never in her life has she seen Theodore so angry yet so heartbroken at the same time. He was clearly livid, if his voice and facial expressions didn't give it away, then his body language and his scrunched up fists certainly did. Theodore stormed over to where the group were sat on the swing, every time his foot hit the floor, Ophelia thought he was going to take a chunk of the grass.

"You had a baby with Tom Riddle? And you didn't tell us about it?" Theodore asked through gritted teeth. His cheeks were blood-red, brows furrowed and the vein on his neck was prominently showing.

"Keep your voice down! And how do you expect me to tell anyone, Theo?" Ophelia argued, "oh hey look, everyone, here's my son that I had with Tom!"

"What?" Nicole asked. She looked at Ophelia in disbelief, all of the colour had rushed out of her face. Theodore hurried over to her, he got there in time before she lost her balance.

Theo carried her over to the swing and sat her down. "Do you want a drink, babe?" Theo asked, his voice was softer and more calming than it was with Ophelia less than a minute ago.

Nicole shook her head and looked to Ophelia, "I want to know about this baby."

"I had a baby with Tom, 13 years ago, we were seeing each other for about 6 months and then I realised I was pregnant, and I also realised it wasn't right, I honestly thought I was going to change," Ophelia admitted, "if I kept him, I feel like I would be with Tom at Malfoy Manor right now with Fionn."

"Fionn?" Nicole asked, "as in the Fionn we were talking about less than half an hour ago? The one in Anwen's year?"

Ophelia nodded her head. Theodore threw his head back, letting out an unknown amount of swear words in the process.

"I can't fucking believe this," Theodore said, his voice was hushed as he stared at Ophelia, "Rune literally described yours and Tom's son to you, saying that he reminded him of you both, that's disgusting."

"Theo, if I could, I would have gotten rid of Fionn, but I couldn't bring myself to it," Ophelia said, "Fionn was the only person who kept me sane, during my entire pregnancy. I knew I had to give him a better life, he can't have two parents fighting against each other, so I gave him up for adoption, it's what is best for him. He can never know who Tom is."

"That's why you made a blood pact," Archer realised.

The group gasped whilst Michael aimlessly looked around the group for answers to what a blood pact was. "I'm guessing that's not good," Michael let out.

"It's not," Morgandy said, "they've made a pact, they can never hurt each other."

"Ophelia," Nicole let out.

"I did it for the sake of Fionn," Ophelia admitted, "we're all parents, you would have done the same."

Morgandy went to say something but stopped herself, she then nodded, agreeing with Ophelia.

"He's in Anwen's year," Theodore let out, "they go to school together, they know each other. Emory is going to be teaching him next year!"

Morgandy gasped, "you need to tell him, Lia! No more secrets."

Ophelia began to cry as she nodded her head, "I need to do it now, or I won't get the guts to do it again anytime soon."

Morgandy and Nicole pulled Ophelia into a hug when she stood up. The two girls and three boys wished Ophelia luck as she went back into the house. Walking into the living room, Emory saw Ophelia crying and ran straight over to her.

"What's wrong, love?" Emory asked as he pulled her into a hug.

Ophelia didn't say anything. Instead, Morgandy did, "Anwen lovely, can you take the little ones outside just for a second, please? I know we're involving you in everything, but you're not ready for this one."

Anwen nodded her head, without even needing to be asked, all of the children followed Anwen outside to play.

Ophelia pulled away Emory who went to reach her again, but she stepped away. "We said no more secrets, so please let me explain everything before you hate me," Ophelia let out.

Rune looked to Morgandy, he realised. "Merlin's beard," Rune said as he put his hand over his mouth, "I'm going to get a drink for Emory and me, I think he'll need it the most."

Emory looked over to Ophelia, "Lia, baby? What's wrong?"

"Fionn," Ophelia said, "Fionn Walker, the boy in Anwen's year."

"What about him?" Harlen asked.

"He's my son," Ophelia confessed to the group. Dove dropped the glass from her hand and it smashed onto the floor. Emory's mouth dropped and he fell back onto the sofa, his eyes still on his wife, his hands shaking and tears forming in his eyes.

It was the one thing Emory never wanted to hear. Ophelia has a son. A son that isn't his. Yes, they have Nikolai. But, Fionn wasn't his. And he knew who his father was.

"Say his name," Emory managed to get out. The room of friends were all shocked in disbelief. They were all looking around each, trying to see if Ophelia was joking or not.

"Fionn's birth name is Fionn George Riddle," Ophelia said, "I am his mother and, Tom Riddle is his father."


Hello there!

So after many years on this website I have finally checked my stats for this book and Prophecy, so just wanna say Hej to the small number of Swedish readers. Also hello to a large number of American readers. I would also like to give a quick shout out to my over 45s! ;)

I said a couple of weeks ago I'll have a somewhat organised plan to publish these chapters and they are now coming into place. I'm aiming to post 2-3 times a week; every Sunday, Wednesday and maybe Friday! This would've happened sooner if I didn't end up with a chest infection, of the joys of refreshers - I'm sure every fresher can relate that we all hate Freshers' Flu.

Finally, a huge thank you to the few people who have already checked out the first two parts of my new Theseus' Scamander book, I'm just tweaking the first 5 chapters and then I'll post the first chapter when I'm happy with it.

Lots of love,
C :) x

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