Chapter Thirty-Seven: Pinky Promise

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When Rune and his family arrived home and finally joined Emory and everyone else in the Oliphant's front room, no one was expecting to see Fionn Walker with them. It was a shock, to say the least, Emory was holding Nikolai and almost dropped him. After Rune had finished explaining to the group that he saw Ophelia at the train station with Tom, the mike was handed over to Fionn.

Fionn had to start from when he first learned about who his parents really were, from finding his birth certificates to confronting Emory to seeing her in Hogsmeade, Fionn had told them everything that led up to now.

Fionn stood up and walked over to Emory. Everyone watched what he would do next. Fionn drove into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of parchment with an address on it and handed it to Emory.

"She told me to come here and give this to you," Fionn admitted. "I'm not too sure why she involved me but it seemed like I was the only option."

"You are," Morgandy spoke up, "she's been going undercover since the end of October - that's why she was with Riddle." Morgandy hesitated to tell him more but she found the strength to continue, "you're the one thing that links us all together, the only way she can contact us is through you. However, I doubt it will happen again after how badly things went today."

Emory finished reading the note, "it is a one-off thing," he confirmed. "Ophelia gave us this note to warn Calvert - Tom suspects he's the mole."

"Archer..." Nicole started.

"I'm on it!" Archer said quickly. Within seconds he had stood up and disappeared out of the room.

"I'm sorry Tom was his usual self around you," Emory sighed as he rubbed Fionn's shoulder, "I would have expected him to be a bit more open-minded, but that's what you get when you have a heartless father."

Fionn shook his head. "I don't care for him," he said bluntly, "he's a vile man who has hurt every single one of you in this room at some point in his life. I'm glad my mum is doing something to stop him."

Speechless was the only way to describe every single adult in that room. Fionn was his mother's son right enough. Immense pride ran through both Emory's and Adonis' veins. That was what caused Adonis to stand up and introduce himself to Fionn.

Adonis walked over to Fionn and stuck out his hand for him to reach, "we haven't properly met yet, but I'm you uncle - Ophelia's my sister."

Fionn started at Adonis' hand and then back up to his face. Fionn pushed Adonis' hand to the side and instead went in for a hug. Adonis could have cried - so could have anyone else in that room for that matter - but the way his nephew so tightly reminded him how alike Fionn was to Ophelia.

Fionn and Adonis both left the hug at the same time. Fionn turned back to Emory and sighed, "I can't stay for long - I'm having tea at Alaric's you see." Fionn smiled, "but before I leave - I'd like to meet my siblings if you don't mind."

Emory laughed and headed into the dining room to grab Emma who was drawing alongside Amelia, Starr and Abner.

Emory guided her in whilst Dove carried over Nikolai. Emma hid behind Emory's legs whilst Nikolai didn't mind being in Fionn's arms, everyone watched in awe as Nikolai placed his hand on Fionn's cheek and smiled - showing off his full set of baby teeth (as of yesterday).

As Emma watched Nikolai open up and welcome Fionn, she let go of her father's hand and sat down beside Fionn. She hugged him from the side and smiled up at him, "my name is Emma, " she declared, "who are you?"

Fionn smiled back, "I'm Fionn."

"Fionn's your big brother, Em," Emory explained, "isn't that cool?"

Emma nodded her head in excitement, "I always wanted a big brother," she chirped, "Nikolai doesn't talk properly yet, so he isn't much fun!"

Fionn laughed along with everyone else which confused Emma but she shrugged her shoulders. Fionn stood up and handed Nikolai over to Emory. "I really must be going," Fionn sighed. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home, and for involving me in all of your lives - I truly appreciate it."

Emma stood up and hugged Fionn's legs. "Promise you'll come back?" she pleaded.

Fionn smiled and knelt down, "I pinky promise."

Fionn held out his pinky and the two siblings pinky promised one another that they would see each other again.

"We need to go too," Raine announced from the other side of the living room, "we've got to feed the girls, they've got nursery tomorrow so it's a school night."

"Come on kid, we'll walk you home," Sullivan smiled.

"Thank you," Emory mouthed to Sullivan.

Sullivan nodded his head and followed Raine and his two daughters over to the living room door. Raine hugged Nicole, Dove and Morgandy goodbye and said goodbye to everyone else. Sullivan quickly went around all the boys and quickly did their handshake.

Emory bent down to hug Fionn, and one by one Fionn hugged everyone in the room.

Eventually, Fionn reached Morgandy who was the last person he hugged. Morgandy smiled as she caressed his cheek, "when I say I'm glad you're exactly like Ophelia - I mean it. Be safe, kiddo."

"Goodbye," Fionn called out to everyone in the room. He waved them goodbye as Sullivan took his trunk for him.

On their way out, Archer and Alexander appeared in front of them - looks of panic written across both of their faces.

Alexander stormed up the steps into the Oliphant's house. Archer closely followed, "go, take your girls," Archer said, "I'll tell you later." Archer hurried up the stairs but stopped once he reached the front door, "Fionn, you are the strongest 13-year old I have ever met, you should be so proud of yourself - just like we are all proud of you."

Archer turned around and headed inside slamming the door behind him. As he ran into the living room, Alexander was a stumbling mess - he couldn't get his words out as he was so distraught.

Archer regretted the words slipping from his mouth, but they needed to know in order to be able to help. "It's Clarice," Archer let out, "she's the mole and Thornfinn found out - she's gone missing - we don't know where they've taken her." Archer had so much adrenaline in him, "hit wizards and aurors raided Malfoy Manor but Abraxas and Lakyn were there, alongside Walburga and Orion as well as Charity - but all of the children were there with them."

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