Chapter Thirty-Three: A Riddled Raven

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Alexander Calvert was humbly welcomed into Malfoy Manor by none other than Abraxas Malfoy himself. The rain outside made his face damp and glisten in the well-lit hall within the Manor. A servant took Calvert's hat and cloak and Abraxas shook his hand.

"I wasn't expecting you, Alexander," Abraxas spoke, "but nonetheless your arrival is most opportune, our Dark Lord has been meaning to speak to you."

Alexander smiled and nodded his head to Abraxas, "thank you, my dear friend." Alexander dropped his smile and went closer to Abraxas, "how coincidental the Dark Lord needs to speak to me when I need to speak to him about someone that deeply concerns him." The way in which Alexander whispered to Abraxas easily allowed him to know who Alexander was speaking of.

"I'm sure Tom would love to hear all about Miss Lockwood," Abraxas said as a low smirk began to form on his face, "ever since her ghastly brother stormed in here and informed him that she's been missing he's not been right. It's almost as if he's worried about her." Abraxas looked behind him, "how ill of me to say such a thing and to undermine the Dark Lord," Abraxas stepped aside and pointed to the stairs, "he's in his room, I expect you know where it is by now."

Alexander nodded, "thank you, Abraxas." Alexander moved towards the stairs, "and don't worry, your words shall remain with me. It's okay to undermine a leader every now and then."

Alexander walked up the stairs, as he reached the top and took the right on the landing he saw Abraxas sly smirking at him, his wife walking towards him to see where he went. Alexander briefly waved to Lakyn and carried on down the corridor to Tom's office.

Abraxas had certainly kept Malfoy Manor traditional, the old paintings of previous Malfoy's hanging on the light grey wallpaper walls were covered in a thin layer of dust. You could tell that not many entered the right-wing of the west wing of the house just by the dust alone, but the eerie silence as Alexander walked down the long corridor added to the thought.

As Alexander arrived outside of Tom's door, the door opened and Tom stood in front of him staring him down intently. "Come in, Calvert," Tom spoke timidly, "I've been meaning to talk with you."

"My Lord," Alexander bowed his head as he entered Tom's chambers. The room was warm and filled with light, much unlike the corridor that led to the room. Instead, the splashes of green made the room feel welcoming and the green fireplace certainly added to the warmth and the welcomeness.

Tom passed Alexander as he led himself to his desk and took a seat in front of the high standing window. He gestured to the seats in front of his desk and Alexander sat in the one directly in front of Tom.

"A little birdy told me that you moved Archer Carr from his old office into a new one yesterday," Tom informed Alexander, "the office that Carr is now in once belonged to Ophelia Oliphant, did it not?"

Alexander looked Tom dead in the eye, he watched carefully to see if his eyes showed any kind of emotion, but he was completely neutral. Alexander broke the eye contact that he started and smiled. "I didn't know you had spies on me, my Lord," he murmured. "But yes, I did move Carr into Oliphant's office, she shows no time in returning to work any time soon, so it's about time that her office stopped collecting dust," his voice was high and elevated, to hide the fear that Tom could possible having people spying on him which could bring Ophelia's plan crushing down.

Tom laughed, "for I don't blame you, you work in a department with high standards and hard workers, someone like Archer Carr deserves an office like Ophelia's." This time it was Tom watching Alexander for a reaction or emotion, but two could play at Tom's game and Alexander remained completely neutral. "As for how I found out about Carr moving into Ophelia's office, Alatar was passing through, he saw you both for a matter of 2 seconds but obviously recognised Carr as he was friends with his younger brother in school."

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