Bonus Chapter

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"Everything felt real," Ophelia admitted, "from being tortured by the cruciatus curse to giving birth. It was all real, I fully thought I was in hell when I came to."

Morgandy paced around on the pebbled bay, Ophelia's closest friends had gathered after classes at the Black Lake to hear Ophelia's vision. Tears had been shed by everyone after they heard the horrific stories surrounding Tom Riddle and his friends, the thought of Morgandy losing Starr had already caused a mental breakdown.

Abner found it amusing that he died at the hands of Tom Riddle, he also found it amusing that he and Nicole became a couple in Ophelia's vision. Although Ophelia's vision was filled with pain, the group still paid attention to the beautiful, happy moments that Ophelia experienced. From Dove and Rune's wedding to Ophelia's own with Emory, and the many adventures the group went on in their time as adults. Ophelia was thankful for her vision, despite all the awful things that went on, Ophelia was pretty happy with how her life carried out.

"This is ridiculous," Archer spoke up, "your entire life flashed before your eyes, Felia." Archer looked back at Starr and Morgandy, "why are we even questioning this, Tom Riddle is dangerous and none of should go near him ever again."

Harlen shook his head, "after everything he did," Harlen paused, "whether the vision is real or not if you ever speak to him Ophelia, I will personally beat you the fuck up."

Ophelia laughed, "I mean you did it to Black in my vision, so I don't want to get under your right-hook, nearly knocked the boy out in one punch."

Morgandy stopped in her tracks and looked out to the lake, she took in a deep breath and exhaled sharply. Morgandy spun on her heel, causing a dust cloud to form the pebbles around her legs. "I think," Morgandy stuttered, "and this is just an assumption now," Morgandy began to move towards Ophelia, "but, I think you're going to be alright." Morgandy reached her hands down to Ophelia's, "we all are, no deaths, no hatred, and christ; no awful baby names," Morgandy looked to Starr an awkward smile on her face, "no offence, babe."

"Rude," Abner shrugged.

Nicole perched up, "but, how can you be so sure, Morg?" Nicole looked Morgandy dead in the eye, "Ophelia had a vision, how can you be so sure that it's not going to come true?"Morgandy let go of Ophelia's hands and turned back on her heel, she looked towards the lake and then turned her head to look back at the castle. "Because I don't think it was a vision," Morgandy admitted.

"How can it not be a vision?" Rune asked. "Ophelia's life flashed before her entire life," he caught his breath, "Ophelia along with Abner, Starr and Emory were all murdered by Riddle in her vision, how are you sure that's not going to happen for real?"

"Because it was a warning," Starr yelled. Starr had been awfully quiet since Ophelia explained her entire vision to her and their friends, Starr had seen the awful person Tom Riddle was before Ophelia but it wasn't her place to say. "Ophelia isn't going to die because of Tom Riddle, nor am I or anyone else here because her vision was a warning."

Morgandy nodded her head, "her vision was a 'what if'," Morgandy continued from Starr, "it showed her what would happen if Ophelia and Tom began a relationship."

"And if I did," Ophelia said, "Tom Riddle would be responsible for my death."

"And mine," Emory spoke up.

Emory looked Ophelia in the eye, it was the first time he had done so since they had broken up. But Emory was broken, after everything he had heard from Ophelia, he realised that's what he wanted. He always wanted Ophelia, he was scared that this warning was to mess up his chances of winning her back.

Ophelia gave him a small sympathetic smile, she turned back to her friends and prepared herself. "Tom Riddle took something from all of us here," she said, "he took Starr and Abner from us early on, he took my son from me and my friends and my husband." Ophelia sighed, "he tore our friendship group apart and he tore families apart," Ophelia nodded her head, she wasn't sure as to what she was saying but it seemed to make sense. "But, we can't let him win. He means nothing to me and I will do my best to stay away from him."

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