Chapter Five: Friends & Foes

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After their celebrations of marriages, children and embarrassing their two friends, the large group finally finished inside the tea shop and head back out into Diagon Alley.

Just like the old days, they were mixed in different conversations, hand-in-hand with their partners, and smiling for stupid reasons. Onlookers walking past would just think that this was one happy group of friends, that they didn't have a care in the world, and no pain had ever come to them.

They were heading back to Felix and Franko's apartment in central London, not too far from where the hidden wizarding community that was Diagon Alley hid. They headed towards the Leaky Cauldron to make their exit, but all-too-familiar faces they didn't want to see greeted them as they were about to leave.

Standing in front of them was none other than Abraxas Malfoy with a woman, roughly a few years younger than him, standing next to him proudly as he held her hand, they were also accompanied by an all-too-familiar face to Harlen Avery, his brother, Alatar Avery and his wife Lacey.

The four of them were dressed smart, in dark clothes, Abraxas and Alatar both supporting fancy canes that you know they paid a lot of money for.

"Harlen, my dear brother," Alatar gave a devilish smile to his little brother, "how it's been ever so long since I last saw you, I see you're still with that filthy half-blood. How are you Helen, dear?"

"Alatar, whatever problems you have with Helen, you leave them out of any conversation or encounter we have," Avery spat as he stood his ground against his brother, "I'm well aware our parents no longer care for me by the fact that I'm dating a half-blood, but it's time for them and you to wake up, there are only twenty-eight pure-blood families left, and soon ours will not be a part of it."

Alatar let out a light laugh, "oh my dear brother, do you never learn? Harlen, we will still be a part of the sacred twenty-eight, however, you won't especially if you have any offspring with her," Alatar eyed Helen up and down, causing Helen to grow uncomfortable, "well congratulations, when was the wedding?"

"Five years ago," Avery said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, Avery, you've always been so feisty," Abraxas spoke up, the entire time his eyes on none other than Ophelia and Emory, "but as for you Ophelia Lockwood, I'd never in my life think I'd see you again, how's your friend? Starr was it?"

Ophelia's heart began to break as Abraxas stared her down, bringing back the old memories, "you leave her out of this."

"It was quite a remarkable show the four of you put on with the help of Starr and Abner," Abraxas semi-complemented the four, "I'd do like to thank you, Theodore, just for making my eyesight extremely terrible for the year following that fateful morning."

"He was the one who blinded you, sweetheart?" the woman beside him asked, her arm was now on his forearm as she sent glare to Theodore.

"Oh, how can I be so rude?" Abraxas exclaimed as he turned to the women, "this is my wife, Lakyn. I'm sure Huw and Iolo know Lakyn very well, after all, you were introduced the last time you were loyal to us."

"It's been a while," Iolo nodded to Lakyn, "never thought you would stoop that low, Yaxley, but scum for scum, right?"

"It's Malfoy now, you fool," Lakyn spat, "didn't you hear? Abraxas introduced me as his wife."

"Jesus Christ, they're made for each other," Morgandy whispered into Ophelia's ear.

Malfoy looked over to Ophelia and Morgandy who were now giggling quietly together. He sent them a deadly glare and they soon shut up.

"You'd be pleased to know, Lockwood," Malfoy smiled, "two of your distant relatives are married, Orion married Walburga in fifty-eight, and Arkin married your cousin Annabeth back in forty-six."

"It's Oliphant, but I wasn't aware Arkin and Annabeth knew each other," Ophelia shrugged, "when you see them again, give both Arkin and Annabeth, as well as Orion and Walburga my love and congratulations."

Alatar scoffed, "your humbleness is no match for your sarcasm," Alatar looked down upon Ophelia as he was nearly a whole foot taller than her, "yes, I know all about you and your witty ways, I'm sure the exact person who told me all about you would love to hear that you're back with the professor of ancient runes, assuming by the fact that you're now married, do you have children of your own?"

"Two," Emory spoke proudly, "one of each, and I'm no longer at Hogwarts."

"How cute," Alatar gave Emory a low smirk.

"In case you're mistaken," a large grin grew on Malfoy's face, "Tom Riddle hasn't shut up about you over the last sixteen years, however, he did love your little encounter, professor. But besides he's been ever so worried thinking he's driven you to insanity with the crucio curse, he'll be pleased to hear you're alive and well."

"Well seeing as you're going to retreat back to your master and tell him you've had an encounter with us," Caspian spat at Malfoy, "why don't you tell him that we're no longer worried about you or him, also tell him to shove it up his arse along with it."

"I'm sure he'd love to hear it," Alatar said through gritted teeth, "as well as I'm sure he'd love to hear that almost all of you are married if I'm assuming correctly, to each other?"

Rune nodded his head.

"Ah yes, the school healer, isn't that a women's job?" Alatar asked, a proud smirk on his face.

He gained a laugh from his wife as well as Malfoy and Lakyn.

"Well designer leather gloves like that are meant for women," Rune shrugged as he pointed to Alatar's hands, "but you're wearing them, so I don't see the issue."

There were a few gasps and laughs from his friends and a fierce-stern look from Alatar.

"Well, seeing as you're not playing nice," Alatar lifted his cane and pointed it in Rune's direction, "we'll leave you, but mark my words, it won't be the last you hear from us."

The four walked away but Malfoy turned back. "Is it true, Ophelia?" Malfoy asked, "you're an auror now?"

Ophelia nodded her head, "yeah, I am."

"Hmm, good on you," Malfoy smiled, "you've always been good at interrogation, by the way, congratulations on the children."

The four walked away leaving the group of friends on their own, Ophelia turned to her husband and he began to comfort her thinking she'll start crying, she pushed away his arms and when he went to return them she stepped back.

"What encounter, Emory?" Ophelia asked.

"Lia, I have no idea what you're on about," Emory stepped closer to his wife.

"Emory, just tell her, mate," Rune spoke up from where he was stood next to his own wife.

"It was back in fifty-eight, the very day you found out you were pregnant with Emma, Tom, as you know, appeared seeking for a job in the position of teacher of defence against the dark arts, of course Dumbledore rejected him but he cursed the post and nearly cause a mini-war amongst me and Rune," Emory sighed, "I didn't want to worry you, you had finally accepted the deaths of Starr and Abner, and you finally forgot about him, you never mentioned him, so I did what any good husband would do and hid the truth from you to protect you."

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