Chapter Eighteen: Morgandy Understands

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"You're a fool, Ophelia," Theodore yelled.

The four adults were utterly disgusted in their friend who sat before them. They had every reason to be, but the only person who seemed to understand was Morgandy, which was a shock for Ophelia.

"So let me get this straight," Michael started as he tried to process all the information he had just been given, "your ex-boyfriend murders two of your closest friends, appears three years after no one had heard from him whilst at the same time you were still distant from all of your friends to the extent that you refused to talk to anyone but Dove and Nick, and you let him endorse himself back into your life?"

"Yeah, that's right," Ophelia nodded her head, "I know you're all disgusted in me, but I was at such a low point in my life, I was hurting so much, I felt like I was the only one who truly remembered. Dove and Rune got married, Morgandy met you, Emory wasn't in the picture for another two years because he was away at Hogwarts."

"That doesn't justify your actions of turning back to the man who caused you to be at that low point," Archer argued, "he murdered your friends, Ophelia, and you went back to him?"

"He convinced me that he had changed, and I was too naive at the time, so I believed him, I know I shouldn't have, I know I should have turned away, but he was the Tom I met back in 1938," Ophelia argued, "he was caring, he was nothing like the malicious boy that he is now. I just needed comfort, and he gave it to me."

Before Archer could protest Morgandy had already started talking, "I understand, I don't blame you, Lia."

"Wait, really?" Ophelia asked.

"I saw it happen," Morgandy nodded, "in my prophecy, but he didn't, I've just been waiting for the day that you were going to tell me."

"Of course," Franko laughed.

"You scare me sometimes, but I still love you," Michael smiled as he kissed his wife on the temple.

"Oh gee, thanks," Morgandy scoffed.

"Wait, doesn't Anwen come home today?" Ophelia asked.

Morgandy smiled as she stood up squealing, "let's go!"

Morgandy disapparated out of the room and left the group on their own. Ophelia laughed as Michael stood up and panicked as he pointed to their children.

"She'll be back in a minute," Ophelia said bluntly.

Ophelia began to mouth a countdown from ten as the group of boys could decide who they wanted to watch; Ophelia or Michael.


Franko grabbed an apple off of the coffee table and began to flick it about, doing tricks as he rolled it off of his elbow.


Theodore caught the apple after another one of Franko's tricks and held it above Franko's head. Franko was tall yes, six foot, but he didn't compare to Theodore's six-four height.


Theodore handed over the apple after Archer intervened.


Just as Franko bit into his apple, Morgandy apparated back into the living room.

"I forgot my children," Morgandy pointed to the children outside.

"Nicole reminded you, didn't she?" Ophelia asked.

Morgandy nodded her head as a thin-lipped smile formed on her face. She walked over to the conservatory doors and called her children in. Abner ran straight into Morgandy's arms laughing as he desperately tried to beat Starr into the house.

Michael picked up Starr and took Morgandy's hand. Morgandy winked at Ophelia as she disapparated herself and her family out of their house. Franko and Theodore followed in Morgandy's footsteps and disapparated out of the conservatory.

"We'll lock the doors then," Archer groaned as he turned to the conservatory door.

"I've got the front door," Ophelia called from the kitchen, walking into the hallway.

"Hey, Lia, grab Michael's and Morgandy's wallets," Archer yelled just before he disapparated.

Ophelia grabbed the wallets and placed them in her bag, she looked around to see if there was anything else she needed to get. She walked into the kitchen, popping her head into the dining room to see if she had missed anything in the conservatory.

Seeing nothing she turned around and headed towards the bigger space in the Shannon's kitchen.

As she turned around, there on the floor in front of her was Tom's wand, left there after she kicked away. She hurried over to it, picking it up and placing it inside her inner cardigan pocket.

She looked around to see if anyone had appeared in the house. With the household empty, she disapparated out of the kitchen. Her eyesight was going crazy as she travelled through space when she apparated into Dove's kitchen he head was dizzy, but luckily, Emory was there to catch her to help her regain her balance.

"You've never been good at apparating," Emory laughed.

Archer walked into the kitchen after hearing the sound of someone apparate from the other room, "I left you five minutes ago, and you're only just arriving."

Morgandy walked into the kitchen to see what was going on.

"Calm down, Arch, I was looking for Michael's wallet," Ophelia laughed as she dug around in her bag, "here you go, Morg."

Morgandy thanked her as she took the wallets from her hand. Morgandy placed hers in her back pocket, and when Michael turned up behind her she passed his over her shoulder.

"Awh thanks, Lia," Michael smiled.

"How did you know it was her?" Archer argued.

"Do I really need to answer that?" Michael asked.

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