Chapter Nine: Anger

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Tom stormed through the manor house, knocking anyone in his way. His followers followed him into the study were he poured himself a glass of whiskey to calm himself down.

"My Lord," Abraxas was the first to speak up, "whatever is the matter?"

Tom Riddle leaned on his arms, his head down, as he tried to maintain his breathing pattern.

He stood up straight and turned to face every member of the household. "I met with Ophelia Lockwood today," Tom announced, "you all knew I was to anyways, however, Archer Carr and Morgandy Crook was there too. And Morgandy has the gift of sight, she came into contact with me and as you all know she's a seer, and now there's a prediction about me, and I don't know what, I couldn't get it out of her in time."

There were a few gasps among them as they all looked around and whispered to the people besides them.

"What do you propose we do, my Lord?" Quinten asked.

"Nothing, if it was serious she would have told me," Tom shook his head.

Odgar laughed, "how can you be so sure?" he looked at Tom, "why should she tell you anything? You murdered her girlfriend."

Lakyn laughed, "rightly so, two women dating? Please, what's next; two men?"

Tom turned around, "I have no time for your ignorant judgements, Lakyn," Tom yelled as she took a step back and Abraxas stepped in front of her, "oh, Malfoy, you incompetent fool, I'm not going to lay a finger on her."

Orion eyed Malfoy as he protected her. Tom turned around, he looked to Orion and then to Abraxas. "Why are you so worried about keeping that a secret?" Tom asked Orion.

Orion looked at him and straightened his posture from where he was standing, "I have no clue on what you're on about, my Lord."

Tom laughed, "of course you do, Orion. The baby in your wife's stomach, why were you so afraid to share your glorious news?"

"We weren't sure how you were to take it, my Lord," Orion shrugged.

"Orion, I don't care if you impregnate your wife several times, for all I care she's your wife and you can have as many children as you like, after all, you already have baby Sirius and Regulus," Tom reasoned with him, "congratulations, Black. A toast, to your unborn child."

Tom began to pour glasses of whiskey and wine for the others to take, they all raised their drinks and gave a toast to Walburga and her second child. "Has she got a name?" Tom asked.

Walburga gasped as Tom revealed the gender of her child, she looked to her husband and smiled, "well, I guess we're going with Theta."

"And in that case," Cygnus, Orion's brother-in-law and second cousin, spoke up, "the girls' can't wait to meet their cousin."

"Yeah, your family confuses me," Edwin shook his head and caused a few laughs out of the group.


Hi, I promised I'd post the seventh chapter New Year's Eve/Day and I lied, I'm so sorry, so here are three chapters for you!

I've been so busy with my Welsh bacc work, I honest to god completely forgot about this book and wattpad, it wasn't until I went onto wattpad for the first time in over a month (well, technically) and saw I had 200+ notifications that I remembered.

Thank you all for being so patient and I hope you enjoy!

C x

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