Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Time Has Come

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The frantic chaos that was occurring in the Oliphants living room made the group realise how shit they were at making plans. Clarice had gone missing and Ophelia was stuck with Tom. There had been about 4 mental breakdowns from Alexander alone. George arrived to take the children away from the chaos and he moved them next door into the Lufkin's.

In the chaos, Harlen began to feel his left arm burning. He knew where he needed to go. Archer watched Harlen look at his arm, Adonis caught on to where Archer was looking and the two men charged over to Harlen.

"You're not going without me," Morgandy told them, "I'm not losing anyone of you tonight."

Emory came into the living room, "Calvert has just thrown up - he says it feels like he's being burnt from the inside out, Rune this is on you." Emory looked at four who were looking at Harlen's arm. "He's calling them isn't he?" Emory didn't wait for a reply, "go! Take Theo with you!"

Morgandy grabbed Theo by the collar and pulled in back where they were. The group gathered in a circle and held onto each other's hand. Harlen followed the calling and disapparated the group out of there.

The sea salt in the air hit them instantly. The wind blew through Morgandy's long hair causing it to cover her face. She faced the direction of the wind and tied her hair up in a low pony. As she did she saw a group of men gathered around a smokey tree.

"Look," Morgandy pointed to the tree.

There they saw Ophelia let go of Odgar's arm and cast a spell that sent him flying back, she ran towards the blazing tree. Suddenly, Orion and Abraxas appeared next to the group.

"Get down," Archer said. The group ducked into the grass, luckily it was long enough for them not to be seen from a distance.

"Ophelia called me," Harlen smiled. "That girl is a genius."

"Quiet, Harlen," Adonis hushed him.

The group intensely watched as Ophelia lifted her wand, they saw water leave the end and the smoke slowly stopped. Suddenly a flash of green light left her wand as she looked away.

"She killed someone..." Morgandy gasped.

Adonis shook his head, "I think it was a mercy kill." Adonis said, taking his eyes off of the scene, "whoever she just killed was being burnt alive. Watch Riddle."

Tom Riddle was knocked back to the ground from the red light coming out at the end of Ophelia's wand. They all gasped, the biggest smiles forming on their faces. Morgandy let out a squeal of excitement as she held onto Theo's hand tightly.

"Cruciatus," Archer whispered, "he's going to know their pact is broken."

"I think he does," Theo pointed. "He looks scared."

"And so he should be," Harlen spat.

Abraxas walked over to Tom, Morgandy watched as Abraxas helped him up. They could see Ophelia holding up the broken necklace of what once used to be her blood pact with Tom - undoubtedly explaining how their bond was broken.

Tom held his wand up to Ophelia and she mirrored his actions. Harlen went to get up but Archer pulled him back down.

"She knows what she's doing, Avery," Archer whispered, "leave her be."

Their conversation continues and it seems to go on forever. The inability to hear what they were discussing was tormenting Ophelia's friends, they just wanted to help but if they attacked now they'd be outnumbered and overcome by Tom's team of Death Eaters. Tom lowered his wand which startled the Archer.

"What is he doing?" Theo asked.

"I think the important question is what is Ophelia saying?" Adonis sighed.

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