Chapter Three: Baby No.3

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Nicole came rushing through the Oliphant's front door and into the living room, closely followed by her husband who was carrying their daughter. Both of them took a minute to compose themselves and catch their breath. They stood up straight and found Dove who was smiling brightly at her friend.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay? Who's dead?" Nicole asked as she took in another deep breath.

Raine stood up and Nicole looked at her, her eyes widened. "Hey, Nick," Raine smiled as she held out her arms for Nicole to hug her.

"Oh my god," Nicole said in a hushed tone as she slowly began to walk over to her as she tried to compose herself by the thought of Raine being back in her life after sixteen years, "oh my god, you're here."

Raine nodded as the tears slipped down her face. The two girls reached each other and their hands connected as they looked into each other's eyes, looking for any sign that this was actually happening and not just a happy dream.

When Nicole realised that it was, in fact, Raine standing in front of her she pounced at the chance to be embraced by her old friend.

Theodore handed his and Nicole's daughter, Amelia, over to Emory as he walked over and greeted Sullivan after sixteen long years.

"I can't believe it," Nicole smiled as she and Raine pulled away, "you're here, you two are married and you have children, although I'm assuming they're yours because I've never seen them before, Ophelia do you have four kids or two?"

Ophelia laughed as she knew her friend was lost in this wonderful moment, "I have two, Nick, the two girls are Raine's and Sullivan's."

"Oh god, Raine, they're beautiful, they look exactly like you," Nicole smiled.

"Thank you, your daughter is the spitting image of you," Raine smiled.

Nicole's smile turned into a frown, "what about Iakona? Is she okay? Do you still see her?"

Raine nodded her head and smiled brightly, "just like Lia and Dove, Iakona and I live next door to each other."

"Does she have children?" Morgandy asked.

"Yeah," Sullivan smiled, "she has a son, with Edison."

The was an uproar among the group which was filled with the words 'finally' and 'thank god'.

"Their boy is called Ryan," Sullivan announced, "he was born back in fifty-six."

"I'll make some tea," Emory smiled as he placed Amelia down next to Emma and Starr as well as Sullivan and Raine's daughters, Violet and Hannah.

"Oh none for me thanks, Em," Morgandy shook her head in disgust.

There were a few what's and why's but the only person who realised was Ophelia who had gasped loudly attracting everyone's attention.

"You cheeky little shit," Ophelia looked at Morgandy who was smiling brightly.

"Glad to see Lia hasn't changed," Sullivan whispered to Theodore to which Theodore nodded and laughed.

"Michael, I don't know what you're gonna do but let's hope your third child doesn't pretend to be a centaur," Ophelia laughed to which Morgandy joined in as they remembered the conversation they had with Archer earlier on in the day.

"Third child?" Dove gasped as stood up, tears forming her eyes, "how far along are you?"

"I'm not certain just yet, but I'm assuming 2 to 3 weeks," Morgandy smiled, "the tea is all we've got to determine so far."

All the girls screamed and ran over to Morgandy, to Michael's fear he ran towards the boys as he didn't want to be swarmed by screaming witches. The boys congratulated Michael quietly as they had already over-hyped them when their second child, Abner, was born.

"So why does she not want tea? Does it affect pregnancy?" Rune asked.

"No," Michael shook his head, "she's always been disgusted by the taste and sometimes the smell of tea each time she's been pregnant."

Emory hummed as he nodded his head, "something similar happened when she was pregnant with Emma and then with Nikolai, she really hated half the things she ate."

"Maybe she just hated your cooking, ever thought of that?" Theodore asked.

Emory and Theodore looked at each other and Emory seemed unamused as the other boys around them began to laugh. "I will hurt you," Emory said.

"Oh what you gonna do? 50 points from Gryffindor?" Theodore joked.

"How about 250?


Hi, first of all, sorry it's taken forever to publish chapters, I currently have nine chapters for this book but I have an extremely bad case of writer's block and I'm trying to get rid of it. But, in lighter news, and by the way, this was completely unplanned and coincidental, but Morgandy is pregnant in real life and I've honestly never been more excited to see someone's baby before, so a huge congrats to Amanda and JJ! Enjoy my lovelies x

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