#12 - Life as an Introvert with Poor Social Skills + Random TED Talk

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I'm upset.

This has nothing to do with the chapter but I got woken up this morning. Yes, I know waking up is a blessing but it's how  I got woken up.

I was there in my dreams, which by the way was a very weird dream that I'm glad I got out of and will not explain in details, but all of a sudden I heard this banging all over the house. When I woke up I didn't even know what dimension I was in.  And before I got to the door I had to collide into about five things and trip over my sneakers before reaching the door. If my mother wasn't at work she could have just answered it.

In conclusion, if you want to be good friends with me, don't wake me up.

That's why my mother and I can never get along when I need to wake up

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That's why my mother and I can never get along when I need to wake up.

Also, my sleep schedule is by far messed up. No, messed up is an understatement. Lord help me when I return to school. First I woke up at 6 am and sleep around 11pm. Then I'd wake up around 3 or 4 am and sleep around 10 or 11pm. Now I wake up... any time and sleep around 1 or 2am.

Well on Saturdays  I try to wake up early to update this book.

Also now even my bath schedule is all over the place. During school I'd bathe couple minutes after waking up. When school isn't in session I mainly bathe at night. Really late. Like around 9 or 10pm. The perk is when I bathe late I still look and smell fresh during the day. Sometimes though even when I bathe in the night I still bathe in the day if I have to go somewhere. Then I'd try to break back into my night bathing habits.

Sometimes I bathe in the afternoon when-

Look at me confessing my bathing habits out in the public. Anyways let's get on with the chapter.


I am an introvert. At least I believe I am. Some persons agree with it so I guess it's not just a label I've placed onto myself.

Let me be clear from now, just because you simply don't talk to people as much or you are a quiet person in general does not make you an introvert. Some people have a tendency to say a person is introverted just by the mere fact that they don't talk a lot.

An introvert is basically a person who would rather stay in rather than go out among crowds of people. A person who gets tired after socializing. This isn't my best meaning but I can explain in details.

Not all introverts have the same personality. I remember watching a video and it said that introversion is like a scale and it varies depending on what part of the scale you fall on. For instance, maybe not all introverts like reading books. Not all introverts are shy.

Speaking for myself, I don't like to go out that much. I don't even like going to school sometimes because of all the talking I'd have to do sometimes, like for example in group projects. I don't like family reunions or any event that  forces  me to communicate with people for a very long time. School isn't that bad because I can just tell everyone not to talk to me and keep to myself.

It's not that I hate interaction, I actually enjoy talking to people, especially new ones, but most of the times I'd rather keep to myself.

Plus nothing is wrong with a little adventure outside the house, but I'm more into staying home.

Also, after socializing for long periods of time I get tired or "shut down"  as some would say. Imagine there is a phone battery over your head. The more persons I socialize with, the more tiring it gets and the battery drains. How the battery drains depends on who you are. For some it might go fast, maybe slow.

My "battery"  doesn't drain as fast, but it drains nonetheless. After the battery is at a low state it needs to be recharged  like an actual phone battery.

By doing this I take a phone battery and put one end in the socket and push the other in the-

Calm down. I just spend time alone. By doing that I regain energy to socialize with people for the next day. People recharge several ways. Maybe by reading or watching the television, or something that doesn't require too much interaction.

For me, it would probably be walking. I walk home from school in the afternoons alone, so I have time to clear my head. I also read and write. Or even just watching a few YouTube videos. Maybe just the simple sleep I get at night helps.

The opposite of an introvert is an extrovert. Extroverts love going out and gain energy by being around people and lose energy by being alone. They are mainly the life of the party.

So basically, extroverts are the hurricane and introverts are the eye.

Introversion should not be confused with being antisocial or being shy. They are all different terms.

With being an introvert, you either are one or you're not. It's not something you turn off and on. Like one day you are an introvert and the next day you are not. It doesn't work like that. Of course you can grow out of it or you can become one over time due to circumstances. But you don't just choose when you are an introvert.

Also, just because you are introverted doesn't means that you have poor social skills. Some persons who are introverts have good social skills.

I on the other hand, suck.

A rock has better social skills than me.

To meet new people or to talk to persons on a whole is a real struggle for me. I don't know why. I always try to open my mouth and say something but my brain just go blank.

You know when you're going out on a trip or so and your parents would say Be good.. give no trouble... behave yourself or else...

My parents on the other hand say It's going to be okay... socialize a bit... for the love of God PLEASE make a friend.

I kid you not, I was leaving for a week and my mother was like Meet a new friend or you will not enter this house ever again.

I was prepared to not enter that house because I knew I could not make a friend as depressing as it sounded.

Luckily God was on my side and I met a girl called Romainia and we became best friends and played tea parties every single day and helped with world hunger and kicked Donald Trump out of presidency.

What? You expected a happily ever after? Nope, your girl came home tired, dirty and without a new friend.

How depressing... Alexa play despacito.

The other thing with me is that it's hard for me to speak in crowds. Whether it be one hundred people, or just twenty. It depends on the setting though.

If it's people I'm used to it's okay. If it's people I'm not used to I want to die.

Except for school. I've been in the same class with the same persons for around three years and yet when teachers pick on me I can't help but want to pass out. Even when I have the right answer sometimes I beg God not to let me be the next victim.

Sometimes it work, sometimes it doesn't. Well, you win some you lose some.

Due to me being so difficult, I miss out on a lot of good opportunities on making friends, and sometimes even push away the few I have.

I am a mess.

Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk to see how I suck at life. Have a good *insert time zone here*

Alexa roll credits.

Sept 1, 2018.


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