#14 - Types of Teachers

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As you all know if you read the last chapter, I started school last week.

I'm currently undergoing torture. I want summer back. Right now.

I knew from the start that it was going to be challenging, but not like this. These teachers have literally no chill. They just throw on millions of work and assignments on us and expect them to be done immediately.

Like for Pete's sake it's just the first week get your crap together man.

So in order to commemorate the beginning of school or whatever, today we will be doing the types of teachers you might encounter in your school life. Some might be good, some are okay.

Some you just want to-

Okay let's go.


#1 - Mr/Mrs. Savage 2.0

These teachers have no chill  whatsover. These teaches are more sarcastic than Squidward Tentacles Tentacion himself. I am not even joking. Their comebacks will send you to the ground if you don't watch yourself. They like to mess around with students from time to time which seems harmless, but it slowly tortures us on the inside.

Should we write the notes on the board?

No. Stare at them. Maybe they'll even do a performance for you if you wait long enough.

Can I use the bathroom?

I don't know. Can you?

Can I drink some water?

Sure.... when the class is over.

I remember one time last school year I had this History teacher. Let's call him Mr. Squidward.

Mr. Squidward was a straight up savage. He was as chill as hell fire. The previous class I was in was a bit of a.... problematic class if I should call it that. He came to class and as usual we weren't ready. We were loud, the class was a pigsty in terms of neatness, our rows weren't straight, all of that.

As punishment he made us stand for the rest of the class which was about an hour long. At first when he would make us stand it would be hard for us, because imagine taking notes that are being dictated at a fast speed and not being able to lean or kneel on anything. The only thing we could either do is stand and write in our hands, or bend and press on the desk.

Also you have to endure all the rants about How our forefathers came here and fought for our freedom today so we can live freely in AMERICA!! WHERE WE WALK ON GOLD AND SUCK FRUITS MADE OUT OF MONEY!! ALL BECAUSE OF THEM PAVING THE WAY SO WE CAN LIVE HERE FREELY!!  Thank you... Donald Trump.

Eh, I'm joking. I'm not from America. I'm not even a human. At least not today.

So yeah at first it was difficult, but because we got punished so often by Mr. Squidward it was like a lifestyle to us. When he arrived to class we already prepared ourselves to stand up.

And as usual he went on about we need to be productive blah blah blah. We are immature blah blah blah. We can't even do a structured essay properly blah blah blah. We were quietly listening to him ranting until he dropped a major bomb. He was like:

Do you know... what my luckiest moment would be? If I could walk into this class on a Friday afternoon after lunch... and no one is here....

 and no one is here

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