#27 - resolutions

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disclaimer: while reading this chapter i might sound like i'm bashing persons for doing resolutions. that is not my intention. i am just stating my opinion. i'm sorry in advanced if i come off as rude or something lmao trust me i can barely hurt a fly. anyways on with the update!!!! is this how a disclaimer works lmao? idk idc blip blap blup

surprise mothertruckers. i'm not dead yet.

thanatos you better not come for me yet.

anyways, i know we've already started off the beginning of 2020 but i just wanted to go off on this for the longest while. before i get into this i just wanted to talk about today's sponser which is-

fr though, i just wanted to wish you guys a (really, extremely late) happy new yearr. *pops bottle of champagne* . i hope that you all will survive this year like any other year and you'll overcome any crisis that pops up all of a sudden. no year will ever be "perfect" but overall, i hope it will be a good one.

so yeah, new years resolutions.

i don't see the point of resolutions tbh. you're just telling a bunch of lies to yourself. if you're apart of the 1% of the world (if that many) that actually goes through with their resolutions then congratulations. you legitimately deserve an award. as for the other 99%, why are you lying to yourself?

i see the same thing every. single. year. persons will come up with a bunch of goals that they wanna achieve for the year, start off for the first two days, then quit and leave them for next year if they live to see it. and i don't get why persons want to change only because it's a new year. i mean sure you can say "new year, new beginnings" but is it really a new beginning? correct me if i'm wrong but the only thing that's really changing is the year and the month that we're in.

this is just an (dumb, not needed) opinion, but i feel like if you really wanna change, do it because you feel the need to change and not because of a two day trend, you feel me? resolutions can be cool but if i don't see persons going through with it then i don't see what's the use of it.

i used to try "resolutions" but lmaoo izzle and commitment can't be in the same sentence whatsover. (this is an exception lol). i do have some goals i want to achieve. they're not necessary resolutions but they're just things that i want to see happening in my life, starting now. some of then might seem lame or basic to others, but it would mean a lot to me if i got them done. and i even started some before this year, so i'm hoping things can come through.

so in conclusion, watch money heist season 4 on netflix on april 20th (i think). like bruh, all i have to say about this show is that if for some wacky reason i end up in jail, I NEED THE PROFESSOR TO BREAK ME OUT. ONLY HE CAN DO IT AND NOT GET CAUGHT.


also before i go, i just wanna let y'all know that your socially awkward child joined a club. clap me hoes. it's complicated but at least i'm getting somewhere in extra curricular activities.

this chapter is short (and crappy) compared to others. but then again all my chapters are crappy so...

it's a chapter nonetheless. i'll see you when i see you.


Jan 17, 2020.

p.s.: first chapter of the year and i'm already a mess.

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