#26 - "this generation is trying so hard to be edgy nowadays..."

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wow, i haven't updated in a hot minute (or a cold one since it's been so long). 

 i've just been so unmotivated lately. ideas weren't flowing as they were before. you see, the twisted thing about me is whenever i'm busy with school, the ideas come rolling like.. whatever rolls ig. but whenever i'm free and fully rested, i'm blank just like me during my chemistry finals.

the life of an amateur author...

at this point no one even reads my stuff anymore so what's the point? *cries in Le Gucci* i guess i'll just leave it for the future generation. by then this book will turn into a fossil. 

anyways, down to business. this current generation is trying so hard to be edgy nowadays. everyone is all in their feelings like drake. everyone is suddenly turning into sad teens with a broken background and thinking it's quirky. well i'm here to say it's not. it's just you seeking attention from your friends/followers/contacts etc. and from my perspective it looks cringey. i mean, my opinions are as irrelevant as the guy next door, but i'm just saying: 

1) everyone (and by that i mean edgy teens) are suddenly getting sad over the wrong reasons. like at least once a week i see someone post something that is meant to be heartbreaking from an twitter account with the username @sadquo_tesarus. it's either that or some instagram edit with sad cartoon scenes in filters that made them look like they were around before dinosaurs existed, with xxx tentacion music playing in the background. everyone be in their feelings for some dumb reason or another.

"ooh my girlfriend left me for another guy i am so sad"

"ooh i have no friends i am so sad"

"ooh nobody loves me eye am SO SAD" sis, JESUS LOVES YOU whether you believe it or not. periodt. (yes i'm out here getting that Jesus promo let me be please)

jokes aside though, i've been seeing all of this for too long and it's getting very boring now. instead of posting about heartbreak, get over it for pete's sake. i mean, i've never been heartbroken before (unless you count being completely devastated after your favourite characters die a heartbreak) but shouldn't you at least try to feel less sad? posting on social media won't rid you of your problems. well, if it does then props to you ig. all in all, sadness is nothing but quirky nowadays. 

now, i'm leaving a trigger warning for the next one. i'll be talking a bit about mental illnesses.

2) nowadays, everyone is diagnosing themselves with depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses......

*audibly sighs*

honey, i think you need to stop driving on the road to delusional-ville. i say this so many times both here and in real life. 

being sad or in a state of depression DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE ACTUAL DEPRESSION. AS IN THE ILLNESS.


missing a few meals DOES NOT MAKE YOU AN ANOREXIC.

being moody or having different qualities does not mean you HAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER. 

this pisses me off so much. i was even planning on doing a chapter specifically on this issue. i still might do it because some persons will NEVER GET IT. and what makes this situation even funnier is that persons think it's all cool and trendy. like "oh wow, i have depression i am so quirky" 

"i have anxiety and that just makes me cuter!" no it does not linda. you faking an illness is not cute. 

most persons tend to self diagnose themselves through tests on the internet such as "Are You Anorexic? Take The Test To Find Out Now!" 

tAkE tHe tEsT tO fInD oUt nOw

either that, or they'd look up the symptoms and judge whether or not they have the illness based on how many of them they get. heck, they could probably have only one of them and they'd be like "AYEEEEE SENORITAS GUESS WHO HAS ANXIETY?" 


i remember one time on i was on snapchat, yk, just living my life, doing snapchat-ly things when all of a sudden this quiz came up about finding out if you had depression. i already know that i don't have depression but i did the test anyways because i was curious. i got the results and it said something about me being "Simply Depressed" which was the least level of depression. i can't remember it word for word, but i remember there was another category which was "Moderately Depressed" 


imagine living in a society where persons classify themselves as moderately depressed. 

anyways, it's good that you're concerned about yourself, but online tests aren't reliable. it's best to speak to your local doctor or call the number below your screen-


i mean, some persons probably don't know better since some books and tv shows are really good at glorifying and romanticizing mental illnesses. when you read/watch about that perfect prince/princess charming that loves you despite all your 7346919374614036476461426412409 flaws and sees you as a special snowflake and appreciate you more due to your mental illness, you can't help but want to be in that position as well.  

i remember one time reading this book on wattpad (not calling any names or else i'll get cashed ousside) and one of the characters had a mental illness. someone deadass commented in the comment section something along the lines of "aww that's so cute. now i wish i had (name of illness) heart eyes emoji heart eyes emoji heart eyes emoji heart eyes emoji heart eyes-

then another comment came from said person a couple months later apologizing for what they said and that they weren't fully aware on how awful that illness was. 

the author didn't straight up made the illness sound like puppies and sundresses, but i guess some readers got carried away by the soft moments when the knight and shining armor helped the character through their times of need. 

normally when shows depict themes of mental illnesses, we don't normally see the illness in it's full form. it's normally kicked down a notch for viewing purposes. this is why a lot of us will never understand how serious stuff like this is until we see it with our own eyes. i might not see someone with actual anxiety or so, but i know it's not a laughing matter due to reading and hearing about different persons' experiences on the internet.

overall, stop overreacting about having a mental illness. moving on.

3) everyone is trying to be like robinson crusoe. everyone has this antisocial vibe and thinks it's cool to be on their own. everyone is an island nowadays. 

some of these persons are extremely far from the antisocial spectrum. i don't understand. having friends are cool last time i checked???? 

idk man, this generation (including myself) is weird....

anyways, this chapter is complete. *inserts funny outro*

*nonchalantly drops microphone like Min Yoongi*


Aug 03, 2019. 

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