Hiatus 2.0

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Hey everyone, I-

*ducks from flying clanchas, tomatoes and something that looks like the head of Donald Trump*

Okay, before you try to kill me, hear me out.

I'm pregnant. 

Just kidding... not yet...

Okay but seriously-

I haven't updated in a little over a month, and I'm sorry. I seriously tried to put out as much effort as possible but I couldn't. I was at a point where my brain hit rock bottom. I had zero ideas, and I rather do something original and interesting rather than slapping up something silly last minute. Despite all the lightheartedness in this book (?) , I take it serious. I take all my works serious. 

When I did however get ideas, my body gave up on me. Gone were the days when I could wake up early and grind for long hours until the crack of dawn. Now, I can barely make it out of bed at six in the mornings. I started to wake up early in the mornings to type the chapter and by the time I would finish, the sun would fully be out. That way I would have more than enough time to do other important stuff. Now it became much harder for me.

I also started classes which I believe is another thing that is sucking the life out of me. Most of the times my classes would finish at nights. When I reach home I have both day and evening classes to do my work for, study for tests and a bunch of other stuff. 

Basically, I am a mess. 

Therefore, I'll be going on a short hiatus. I need some time to get myself together and create a balance in my life. I don't want to continue going through the days stressing over all the things I need to get done. Also, my grades are slowly falling. It's nothing big now, but if I keep on going on like this, it will have a major impact on my grades. I used to work a lot harder in my previous school years. Compared to now, I'm not trying hard enough. I hope you all understand.

I won't be updating anymore until sometime in December after I finish my end of term exams. I won't 100% guarantee that I'll be way more consistent. I'll just have to take things one day at a time. 

I just hope you guys won't forget me while I'm gone. *le cries* Alexa, play despacito for this sad moment. 

Get it together booboo the fool. 

Once again, I am very sorry for leaving you guys hanging like that. I did you all dirty. Not even dirty, dirtae (imagine an accent over the e because my laptop is too low class for such fancy commands... or there actually is a way but I'm too dumb to figure it out). This hiatus will be over before you know it and you all will soon get to hear more whining from this sarcastic and lowkey petty potato.

 It will be over faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidociousabratassaswithapinchofsesamestreetandadoremefasolatidoalacadabraalacazamthemitochondriaisthepowerhouseofthecellandi'magiraffe-

So yeah, I'll see you all in December but for now, this has been, The Point of Views of a Potato.

This sounds like the ending of a dramatic soap opera pfft. Also, hope you guys stay happy and healthy throughout the days and weeks to come. Peace.


Nov 7, 2018. 

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