#7 - Body Shaming

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No I am not dead. I was simply ghosting this book.

I didn't update last week, I wasn't going to update this week, and I wouldn't be available for next week. So three weeks without updating WITHOUT explanation. That would suck. Depending on if you really look forward to my updates.

The reason why I was slacking off is because I wasn't really feeling it. I wasn't as motivated to update. I didn't really have any ideas, and I don't like asking persons to help me with ideas for my own personal reasons.

That's okay though. I remember watching a YouTuber recently and he said that it's okay to not be motivated sometimes. You need the rest anyways. Just take it easy.

But then again that probably excludes me seeing that I update once a week.

Plus, I'm never really sure if my content is good enough. I was attempting to type a chapter last week but I ended up deleting everything in frustration.

Anyways, on with the chapter.


Body Shaming. Body Shaming. Body Shaming.

What is body shaming?

Basically it's the shaming of one's body. Or, it's the criticizing or humiliating of a person's body weight or size.

So if you call a person too fat or too skinny, then you my friend have just body shamed a person.

Body shaming is not a nice or fun thing. I hate it when people try to criticize people for their bodies and they themselves are not looking a hundred percent.

Like, y'all think you look like the Kardashians? You think you look like a whole snack? Sit down, you're not even anywhere near the crumbs. 

So what if a person is too fat or skinny? It's their body, not yours. I myself have been body shamed MULTIPLE TIMES in the past.

Heck, it's probably a lifestyle for me. I must admit, behind the walls of Wattpad, I'm not a slender beauty queen or something like that. I do have a bigger body size than a lot of my friends. I'm trying to improve myself for the sake of ME.

But yet there are some people in my life who choose to spoil my mood a lot. You're too fat. Lose weight. That's why you can't run as fast. You're too fat. All that fat. Fat fat fat.

I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it doesn't mean you have the right to voice any and everything when you feel like. I am positive that I couldn't casually say to those people that they're stupid and should go die in a lion's den.

And the worse part is that in the end when I get upset, people say it's a joke.

Excuse me? So now I can just casually say to someone who has low self-esteem, tired of life and is naive to go and kill themselves and then say OMG HAHAHA ISSA JOKE FAM!

Body Shaming is just as important as Depression or Suicide. Body Shaming could lead up to low self-esteem or even being anorexic.

So don't tell me it's a joke. It's something serious. I remember the times in P.E. where I would be teased about my weight and then to play it off people say it's a joke. Some of my friends would say to ignore them but it's not simple.

I remember some days where I would cry and look in the mirror, wondering if I was ugly or not. I remember one time I even considered being anorexic...

I tried. But after a couple of hours I gave up. The food was too irresistible. Also, what would that benefit me? I'd only be hurting myself.

Plus, persons have the view that fat people eat a lot. They're always eating. Even in their sleep they're probably eating. That's not true.

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