Temporary Block↬ 1

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❛ Hot n' Cold [03:11AM] I would like to ask why you are texting me.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:11AM] because I'm a v lonely 13 yo roblox player who wants to find friends :,DD ❜

Kaminari had his back leaned against the head of the bed, his pillow resting in the comfort of his arms

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Kaminari had his back leaned against the head of the bed, his pillow resting in the comfort of his arms. The only source of light in the dark, quiet room was the small mobile device in the blonde's hands. The quiet taps of the keyboard echoed in the room, the only other sound was of the yelling from downstairs; Kaminari blocked it out with his earphones plugged in and the volume turned up.

Alien Queen [02:37AM] Yoo,, what time is it where u r???

Pikachu Rip Off [02:38AM] 2:30 AM, why??

Alien Queen [02:38AM] YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we live on the opposite sides of the world!!!

Alien Queen [02:38AM] holy shit. . .

Pikachu Rip Off [02:38AM] 👏wow👏we've👏got👏Einstein👏over👏here👏

Alien Queen [02:39AM] oh shut it!! >:(

Alien Queen [02:39AM] you didn't know that either -_-

Pikachu Rip Off [02:40AM] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) yes I did

Alien Queen [02:40AM] ew stop

Alien Queen [02:40AM] you're creepy, go away

Pikachu Rip Off [02:40AM] I'm not *that* bad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alien Queen [02:41AM] you are *THAT* bad

Alien Queen [02:41AM] ugggghhhhhhhhhh I have geo next ;u;

Pikachu Rip Off [02:41AM] NUUUUUUUUUUUU~~~ ;A;

Pikachu Rip Off [o2:41AM] hide in the toilets or smth, but skip class~~

Alien Queen [02:42AM] Kami, as much as I love you, I REFUSE TO SKIP CLASS

Alien Queen [o2:42AM] I am an A student and I refuse to ruin that >:D

Pikachu Rip Off [02:43AM] nerd

Pikachu Rip Off [02:43AM] FINE go do boring sudokus you nerd D:<

Alien Queen [02:44AM] whatever you're just jealous ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alien Queen [o2:44AM] Anyways, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Kaminari replied back with a simple "bye" before switching chats. Turns out, both Kirishima and Sero lived in the same time zone and were currently sleeping. "Time to prank people," Kaminari said, a sly smile finding its way into his lips. Finding random accounts and asking questionable questions always put a smile on his face. He liked to read other people's reactions, though he never knew why.

The blonde scrolled through the different users, finding names that seemed interesting and sending a chat request starting with weird questions. Once he was satisfied with the number of people he had found, he looked at each chat. He had received a number of replies, a lot of them were blocks which the blonde had gotten use to. Scrolling through, he noticed a specific user. It's wasn't necessarily the name that caught his eye, but instead the reply.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:01AM] if hogwarts was established in the 10th century( when sinks were not invented 'till the 18th century), how did salazar slytherin mark the chamber of secrets with a form of indoor plumbing which wouldn't be invented for another 800 years???????? :0

Hot n' Cold [03:04AM] I find it amusing how you are looking for historical inaccuracies in a book series about wizards.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:06AM] omg ew you're a preppy nerd aren't you??

Kaminari did not expect a quick reply- or a reply at that. He never really got that far.

Hot n' Cold [03:07AM] You are asking me whether I'm a 'preppy nerd' when you're talking about historical inaccuracies in a fictional series about wizards.

Hot n' Cold [03:07AM] I would say that pretty 'nerdy', would you?


Hot n' Cold [03:08AM] . . .

Hot n' Cold [03:08AM] I would like an explanation for your accusation.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:08AM] who uses full stops in text?? and who uses the word 'accusation'?? :/

Hot n' Cold [03:09AM] I still do not know what you're getting at. Please elaborate.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:09AM] OMG are you some sexy rich smart girl???( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hot n' Cold [03:09AM] Excuse me?

Pikachu Rip Off [03:10AM] 👁👅👁💦💦💦

Pikachu Rip Off [o3:10AM] just so you know i'm v much single~~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hot n' Cold [03:11AM] I would like to ask why you are texting me.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:11AM] because I'm a v lonely 13 yo roblox player who wants to find friends :,DD

Hot n' Cold [03:11AM] Wow, that sounds very awful.

Hot n' Cold [03:12:AM] Only having friends online. I sympathise with you.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:12AM] YO WHats sympethise??? :"D (I failed english class haha)

Hot n' Cold [03:13AM] Firstly, sympathise is to feel sorry for someone. In this case, I feel sorry for you since you have no friends. Secondly, I can see why you failed your English class.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:13AM] just coz ur some prtty rich girl, it doesn't mean you get to bully me >:"D

Hot n' Cold [03:14AM] I am confused, how exactly am I bullying you?

Hot n' Cold [03:15AM] It doesn't matter. Please stop texting me because, unlike you, I have a physics test tomorrow and I cannot stand to fail it. So if you'll excuse me.

Pikachu Rip Off [03:15AM] oh my god, it's another nerd :,,OOOO

Pikachu Rip Off [03:15AM] because you were bullying me, i will spam u!!!!!! DDD:<

[ Hot n' Cold has blocked you temporarily ]

Kaminari read the words at the bottom part of the screen, a light giggle escaping him lips. He wondered whether this 'Hot n' Cold' person knew how to block people; it wasn't that hard. The blonde noticed the time and knew he might as well get some sleep before he needed to start getting ready for school. The sense of dread sat in his stomach, but he just shrugged it off and tried his best to sleep. The fact he wasn't able to sleep was due to the fact that the yelling downstairs was only getting worse. It wasn't until around 4:30 when the yelling finally stopped. Kaminari held his hands up to his ears, wanting to block out all other sounds except for his own breathing.

In, and out. In, and out again.

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