Temporary Block↬ 11

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❛ "Oh, I didn't catch your name," Kaminari said, holding out his hand for the other to shake.

"That's because I didn't throw it," the man stated, opening the door half way. ❜

Kaminari woke up in a cold sweat, jolting upwards as he gained consciousness

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Kaminari woke up in a cold sweat, jolting upwards as he gained consciousness.

"What the hell?" He muttered, peering over at the time.


"Don't think I can sleep after that," he muttered to himself, laughing dryly as he stared down at his sweaty palms. He needed some fresh air.

The blonde swung his legs off the bed, kicking aside boxes on the ground to make himself a path to the window.

"Smells so much different over here," Kaminari mumbled, opening this window. A light breeze hit his hair, pushing loose strands of hair along with the wind.

He heard a sneeze.

"Neighbours must be up too," he whispered to himself, staring over at the next door's window. A man, probably a year older than Kaminari, was by the window. His half red, half white hair was something unlike Kaminaro had ever seen. The man's mismatched eyes glistened sadly, reflecting the moon's light.

"Holy fuck," Kaminari whispered, admiring the beautiful specimen which was his neighbour.

He should probably brag to Shouto about the hot dude next door.

The blonde picked up his phone off the ground, pulling the charging cable out. As he tried to turn it on, the universal sign of 'no battery' came on.

'Right, the cable's broken,' Kaminari remembered, remembering how he'd broken it trying to get off of the train. 'Guess I'm buying a new one tomorrow.'

The blonde took out the cable and tossed it into the trash can underneath his desk, messily writing on a post it note to buy a new cable.

Sighing lightly, Kaminari took out his laptop from his bag that rested on his chair. Logging in, he'd decided he might as well pass the time until all the ships were open. How he did this, you might ask?

By playing Roblox, that's how.

"Thanks," Kaminari thanked the cashier as he hastily left the store. He swore the cashier was staring at his chest and it was making him hella uncomfortable. So what if he was currently too poor to afford top surgery at the moment?

"Whatever," Kaminari mumbled, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. Luckily the store was only a couple minutes away from his apartment complex which meant less time away from playing Minecraft. Oh, there was also talking to a Shouto too.

'Heh, I bet he's worried about me since I haven't texted him in a while,' Kaminari thought, a somewhat smug smile crawled its way onto his face.

As Kaminari entered the apartment building, he noticed his hot neighbour checking out the mailboxes and figured he might as well check them too — though it was highly unlikely anyone would send him mail.

"Afternoon," Kaminari greeted, pulling out his keys to open the mailbox. Two envelopes?

"Afternoon," the hot neighbour greeted back, his mismatched eyes glancing at Kaminari for a moment before returning to sorting out his mail.

"Great day, huh?" Kamianri said, trying to strike up conversation while mirroring the other's movements. The two envelopes were from Kirishima and Sero.

"You know, I just moved into the city, got any places I should check out?" Kaminari asked, following the other boy and he started heading to the lift.

"Not really, this city sucks if because most things are for couples or large groups of friends," the man stated, pressing in the button for his floor. His voice was smooth and soft, though Kaminari assumed that was from the lack of sleep judging from his facial expression.

"Ah, I see, so you're single?" Kaminari asked, a little hopeful.

"In a way, yes," the man said, exiting the lift with Kaminari close behind. As the two were about to part their ways, Kaminari spoke up.

"Oh, I didn't catch your name," Kaminari said, holding out his hand for the other to shake.

"That's because I didn't throw it," the man stated, opening the door half way. He stopped for a second before a slight smile found its way on the man's lips and he shook Kaminari's hand and said, "Todoroki Shouto."

Kaminari smiled back, stupidly oblivious to the coincidence of this guy having the same name as the online Shouto.

"Kaminari Denki. Guess I see you around then?"

"Yeah." The man — now known as Todoroki Shouto — said, pushing open his door more.

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