Temporary Block↬ 9

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Rip Off Pikachu [05:06PM] ShOuToooooooooOOOOOOO

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Rip Off Pikachu [05:06PM] ShOuToooooooooOOOOOOO

Hot n' Cold [05:06PM] what the fuck do you want?

Rip Off Pikachu [05:07PM] I'm on the train and I'm bored :(((((

Rip Off Pikachu [05:07PM] I have, like, another hour till I get there 。゚(゚'ω'゚)゚。

Hot n' Cold [05:07PM] that's not my problem. . .

Rip Off Pikachu [05:07PM] >:( ur so mean

Rip Off Pikachu [05:08PM] anywayyyysssssssssss when I get there do u wanna meet up?? :D

Hot n' Cold [05:08] id rather have a threesome with my ex and his boyfriend than meet up with u

Rip Off Pikachu [05:08PM] I'm just going to pretend to have not read that bc that actually hurt my feelings( plus ur basically saying you'd sleep w my best friend and that kinda weirds me out)

Rip Off Pikachu [05:09PM] when r u free?

Hot n' Cold [05:09PM] February 30th

Rip Off Pikachu [05:09PM] wait so u wanna meet up w me (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

Hot n' Cold [05:09PM] sure, but I'm only free on that date

Rip Off Pikachu [05:10PM] yesssssss lemme add that to my calendar

Hot n' Cold [05:10PM] ok

. . .

Rip Off Pikachu [05:26PM] HoLy FuCkInG sHiT

Rip Off Pikachu [05:27PM] yOu TrIcKeD mE ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ') I feel betrayed omg

Hot n' Cold [05:27PM] I didn't expect you to take this long wtf

Hot n' Cold [05:27PM] isn't it common knowledge that February only has 28 days unless it's a leap year which is when it has 29

Rip Off Pikachu [05:27PM] stop attacking me and my smol, stupid brain ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

Hot n' Cold [05:27PM] at least your self aware

Rip Off Pikachu [05:28PM]

Rip Off Pikachu [05:28PM] fuk u

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Rip Off Pikachu [05:28PM] fuk u

Rip Off Pikachu [05:28PM] I'll block u òwó

Hot n' Cold [05:28PM] please do, it'll make my life a whole lot easier

Rip Off Pikachu [05:28PM] I thought we were friends :,^((((

Hot n' Cold [05:29PM] Id like to think of us more like I hate u and u think I like u sort of thing

Rip Off Pikachu [05:29PM] u never denied being my friend tho ;)))

Hot n' Cold [05:29PM] I-

[ Hot n' Cold has temporarily blocked you ]

Kaminari rolled his eyes, snickering at how iconic the whole "temporary block" thing was.

As the blonde stared out the window, he admired the skyscrapers and buildings in the distance, a faint smile finding its way on his face; he was finally free.

"Now I just have to find you, Shouto," he mumbled, leaning in his seat feeling good about himself. "That was pretty cool not gonna lie." Kaminari had a smug look on his face, pleased at how cool he looked, and sounded, not too long ago.

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