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❛ Pikachu Rip Off [04:07AM] wow ur so mean to me y

Hot n' Cold [04:07AM] Hmmm let's see.

Hot n' Cold [04:08AM] You started this conversation with, possibly, one of the most stupidest yet hilarious questions I have ever seen in my entire life. You constantly talk about your dick which, probably, isn't as great as you make it out to be. Your so unfunny it's funny to see you try and your pick up lines are awful, yet charming.

Hot n' Cold [04:08AM] The list goes on, would you like me to continue? ❜

Pikachu Rip Off [04:20PM] *insert weed joke*

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Pikachu Rip Off [04:20PM] *insert weed joke*

Pikachu Rip Off [04:21PM]

Pikachu Rip Off [04:21PM]

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Read at 04:22PM

Kaminari started at the screen, his brows furrowed. He was sitting in the park, enjoying the autumn breeze. His original task was to finish up his phycology essay that was due the next week before heading home; hopefully after his parents were asleep. "Did I do something to the guy, or?" The blonde asked himself, his mind reading over the small text at the bottom of the screen. He never enjoyed being left on 'read', but it happens. 'He's probably gotten tired of you,' Kaminari told himself, switching off his phone and placing in on the grass beside him. 'I can't blame him though' Kaminari let his head hang back as he watched the now semi-orange sky. His golden eyes followed the clouds as they slowly moved along the open sky.

"Mom and dad aren't getting home 'till late," Kaminari said to himself out of the blue, thinking back to the conversation he overheard his mother having over the phone the other day. "Maybe I can get back before her?"

. . .

Pikachu Rip Off [03:56AM] Mina, r u there

Pikachu Rip Off [03:56AM] I rlly need some1 rn and neither Kiri or Sero is up

Pikachu Rip Off [03:56AM] text me back pls

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