Temporary Block↬ 3

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❛ Pikachu Rip Off [11:34PM] I know why you always *temporarily* block me

Hot n' Cold [11:34PM] Oh my Lord, I thought I was done with you.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:35PM] its bc u know I have a bigger pp than you ❜

Kaminari cautiously entered through the back door to his house

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Kaminari cautiously entered through the back door to his house. He saw the kitchen lights were on, but nobody was there. He peeked around the corner into the living room to see his mom laying on the couch with broken shards shattered across the floor. 'Thank God I came in late,' the blonde thought before creeping back into the kitchen and out into the hallway where the stairs were. He walked up the stairs, skipping the steps which he had remembered made a creaking noise. Once he arrived in his room, he dropped his bag on his desk chair and threw himself onto the small bed. He took his phone out of his pocket and switched it on.

The blonde played a couple of games on it for a while, forgetting about the assignment he was given last month that was due the next day.

'Wonder what that 'Hot n' Cold' guy is up to,' Kaminari thought, pausing his game and switching apps to kik. He noticed he'd received a couple of messages from the group chat he was in as well as a few others from his and Kirishima's dm. He didn't pay much attention to it, telling himself he could read it some other time, and instead went to his dm marked as 'Hot n' Cold'.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:34PM] I know why you always *temporarily* block me

Hot n' Cold [11:34PM] Oh my Lord, I thought I was done with you.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:35PM] its bc u know I have a bigger pp than you

Hot n' Cold [11:35PM] Excuse me?

Pikachu Rip Off [11:35PM] you heard me! I said it's bc I got a bigger pp than u and ur just jealous ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮

Hot n' Cold [11:35PM] Don't you have some colouring homework to do instead of bugging me?

Kaminari looked at his bag and remembered about the project he had to do for English. "Ah, fuck," he whispered.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:37PM] I do actually have hw to do *BUT* I dunno how to do it lol

Hot n' Cold [11:37PM] . . .

Hot n' Cold [11:37PM] If I helped you with your "homework", will you finally leave me alone?

Pikachu Rip Off [11:37PM] I make no promises

Hot n' Cold [11:38PM] Sigh It's good enough I suppose

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Hot n' Cold [11:38PM] Sigh It's good enough I suppose.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:38PM] hold tf up how did you do that????

Hot n' Cold [11:38PM] Do what?

Pikachu Rip Off [11:39PM] THAT ^^^ with the "what"

Hot n' Cold [11:39PM] I will tell you later. First, what is this project about?

Pikachu Rip Off [11:39PM] uuuhhhh idk gimme a sec

Kaminari leaped off his bed, his phone still in hand, and bolted to his school bag. He rummaged through it for a while until he found the paper for the assignment at the bottom of his bag mixed with a couple other pieces of paper( most likely from laser year or the year before that). 'I'll clean later,' Kaminari thought as he looked at the mess he had created. The blonde crawled back into his bed to continue his texting conversation.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:42PM] im back n I know what the project's about

Hot n' Cold [11:43PM] Alright, let's hear( or read in this situation) it.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:43PM] so basically, I have to, uh, write a book report on a book i like n explain why i like it. i gotta also mention what the main plot is and whether there r any other side plots????

Hot n' Cold [11:43PM] Ah, I see. . .

Hot n' Cold [11:44PM] Sounds easy enough.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:44PM]

Pikachu Rip Off [11:44PM] how tf is that easy?????? i am confusion

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Pikachu Rip Off [11:44PM] how tf is that easy?????? i am confusion

Hot n' Cold [11:45PM] I need to write a lot of book reports is all. Being a college student and all.

Pikachu Rip Off [11:45PM] show off

Pikachu Rip Off [11:45PM] anyways what do I do first?

The next three to four hours was of Kaminari writing his book report while receiving the help from 'Hot n' Cold'.

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