Temporary Block↬ 12

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As Kaminari closed the door behind him, the sudden realisation hit him

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As Kaminari closed the door behind him, the sudden realisation hit him.

"No fucking way," he said in a hush tone, his mouth slightly agape in pure shock. There's no way this Todoroki Shouto could be the same as his Shouto, could it? "This can't be real."

Kaminari plugged in his phone at the speed of light, his eyes watching his phone intently for it to light up.

Kaminari turned on the messenging app, previously memorised where to click through muscle memory.

Pikachu Rip Off [02:35PM] Shouto.

Pikachu Rip Off [02:36PM] what's ur last name

Hot n' Cold [02:36PM] Todoroki Shouto, surprised u figured it out

Pikachu Rip Off [02:36PM] wTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF??????!!!!!!???!?!?!??!?? WHY DID U NOR SAY ANYHING?!!?!!!!!! HOW DUD U EVEN KNOW IT WAS ME????!!!

Pikachu Rip Off [02:36PM] NOT** DID***

Hot n' Cold [02:37PM] I talked to your friend Kirishima

Pikachu Rip Off [02:37PM] now I'm freaking out bc ur right next door and I thought u were hot and tried flirting with u without knowing it was u and now I'm just embarrassed ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Pikachu Rip Off [02:38PM] this is not fair smh

Pikachu Rip Off [02:38PM] now I'm just embarrassed :(((( u suck

Kaminari felt his cheeks flush as he sunk further underneath his covers. He felt very embarrassed and a little lightheaded, but a little warm too. The thought that his Shouto was only next door left Kaminari with mixed feelings. He like the other, no doubt about it, but meeting him so soon? It was a little scary.

Hot n' Cold [02:39PM] I'm coming over :)

Kaminari jumped at the text, feeling his face heat up much more than before.

'He's gonna come over?!' Kaminari mentally screeched, his eyes wizzing around the room. 'He can't!!'

Too late.

"Denki, I know you're in there," Todoroki called from outside the apartment, followed by a couple of knocks.

Kaminari fell out of the bed with a loud thump, still tangled up in the blanket.

Pikachu Rip Off [02:40PM] I'm cant I'm dead

Hot n' Cold [02:40PM] I know for a fact that u aren't smh

Pikachu Rip Off [02:40PM] no u don't

Hot n' Cold [02:41PM] oh look, the door's open ;))

Pikachu Rip Off [02:41PM] don't come in, I'm naked or else I will call u a pervert

"Denki, I know for a fact you wouldn't have gotten naked right after you arrived home," Todoroki called out, pushing the door open. "I remember clearly how you were ranting for half an hour about it."

"That's because it's stupid!" Kaminari yelled back, trying to wiggle his way out of the blanket mess he got himself into. "Wait- you're trying to distract me! Stop it!" Kaminari tried wiggling out quicker, dropping his phone and somehow sliding it underneath the bed. He cursed under his breath.

"What are you even doing?" Todoroki called out, slipping off his shoes and entering the apartment. It only took his less than ten seconds to find the blonde tangled up in a mess.

"How'd you even get yourself into that mess," Todoroki mumbled, kneeling down and moving some of the warm material.

"I could call the police for you breaking into my apartment," Kaminari stared, wiggling into his personal trap. As the blonde managed to move some material off his face, he found himself face to face with the other.

Kaminari had forgotten how to breath for a moment as he gazed into those beautiful mismatched eyes. He felt his face's temperature rise when he noticed he'd been staring.

"Jesus Christ, are you okay? Your face is red," Todoroki said, resting the back of his hand on Kaminari's forehead. Kaminari's face grew hotter.

"Yep, just peachy," Kaminari croaked out, finding it a little hard to speak because of the lump in his throat. "Uh, you gonna help me out?"

"Mmm, nope, I'm good." Todoroki got up to leave before stopping once he'd heard the cries of help from the blonde.

"Fine." Todoroki crouching down again. "But seriously, how the hell did you manage to get trapped in your own blanket?"

"I dunno," Kaminari admitted, finally getting out of his blanket jail — with the help of Todoroki of course. "Thanks man, I would have probably lay there for hours to be honest."

"You aren't much different in real life," Todoroki said plainly, ruffling Kaminari's surprisingly soft hair.

It was at that moment they both noticed the extreme height difference.

"Except you aren't as tall as you make yourself out to be."

"Shut up! I'm not that short," Kaminari squeaked, swatting the other's hand away. He felt a warm feeling in his stomach. "You're just too tall."

"Sure," Todoroki said, rolling his arms and resting his hands on his hips. "Whatever you say."

"It's true, I shit you not, you're the tallest person I have ever seen," Kaminari said.

"Yeah, yeah," Todoroki said, heading for the door. As he was about to leave, both their stomachs growled.

"You want to go get something to eat? My treat." Todoroki offered, a small smile dancing on his features.

Kaminari felt his heart squeeze in his chest and he managed to speak out, "Sure."

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