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Kaminari was hesitant to knock

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Kaminari was hesitant to knock. Todoroki has sent the text an hour ago.

Should he knock? Well, he was curious as to why Todoroki had stormed off like that. Had he done something to upset him?

Taking a long, deep breath, Kaminari decided he'd might as well knock. Nothing to lose except a super great friendship and potential boyfriend. Kaminari was having second thoughts as his knuckles made contact with the painted wood.

'Just calm down, there's nothing to worry about,' Kaminari told himself, trying to calm down his nerves as his knuckles made contact with the door several more times.

It was only a second — but to Kaminari it felt like hours — until the door opened to reveal a bright red Todoroki.



Kaminari stood awkwardly at the door, anxious to hear what Todoroki was going to say.

"The thing is," Todoroki started, leaning against the door frame. His eyes were looking everywhere but Kaminari. "I was just a little sick, the lack of sleep you know?"

"Uh, yeah, I get it," Kaminari smiled, something in the back of his head telling him Todoroki was lying. "You should get some sleep then."

"Yeah, I should," Todoroki said, lifting his hand to cover the lower half of his face.

Kaminari took a few steps towards his apartment, the door already opened. "I'll be heading back now."

"Yeah, okay, good night," Todoroki said as Kaminari left.

Todoroki closed the door behind him, his face heating up more than it had been before. When he saw Kaminari, he couldn't help but want to kiss him. He'd looked so sad.

"Oh god," Todoroki muttered, looking over to his phone. Maybe he could ask someone for help.

Hot n' Cold [10:10PM] hey, can I ask ur opinion on smth..?

King Explosion Murder [10:10PM] sure, but make it fucking quick

Hot n' Cold [10:11PM] there's this guy that I think I like but i dunno if he likes me back...

King Explosion Murder [10:11PM] omfg

King Explosion Murder [10:11PM] ok listen up u idiot

King Explosion Murder [10:11PM] u are a great fucking guy

King Explosion Murder [10:11PM] like, fuck, u dealt with me for years

King Explosion Murder [10:12PM] to top that off ur one of the sweetest fucking guys I know and u care a whole fucking lot when u aren't suppose to

King Explosion Murder [10:12PM] so whoever the fuck that guy is, go up to him and fucking tell him u like him

King Explosion Murder [10:12PM] and if he doesn't like u back, fuck him

Hot n' Cold [10:12PM] Thanks Bakugou :)

King Explosion Murder [10:13PM] Yeah whatever

King Explosion Murder [10:13PM] I just feel bad for u since ur the only one that's single

Hot n' Cold [10:13PM] pfffftttttt sure,,,,,

King Explosion Murder [10:13PM] fuck u and I swear to god

King Explosion Murder [10:13PM] if u don't ask that guy out I will go over there and kill u

Hot n' Cold [10:13PM] thanks for the TEDtalk mum

King Explosion Murder [10:14PM] whatever fucking half n half

Todoroki smiled as he put his phone away. Bakugou was right, he should tell Kaminari how he felt. 'If he didn't feel the same? Fuck him, just like Bakugou said. If he did? Great.' Todoroki thought. 'Wait, what comes after that?'

To say Todoroki was panicking would be a complete understatement.

'Calm down Shouto,' Todoroki told himself, taking deep breaths. 'It's just Denki, he'll understand.'

Todoroki opened his apartment door and walked over to Kaminari's. 'Everything is going to be fine.'

Todoroki knocked once. Then again. And again.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Kaminari asked, opening the door so they were face to face.

As Kaminari stood there, Todoroki couldn't help but admire him. The blonde's hair was messy, as if it had been ruffled up by someone. His eyes looked somewhat tired, probably due to work. Overall, Kaminari was beautiful — even though he probably didn't try.

"I," Todoroki spoke, his mouth going dry and his throat knotting up. "I, uh, like you."

"Hm? I like you too, dude," Kaminari said casually, sounding a little more than confused at this point.

"No, I," Todoroki was hesitant. "I like like you."

Kaminari's eyes went wide. "O-oh."

There was an awkward silence between the two.

'You shouldn't have said anything, you should have just kept your big mouth shut!' Todoroki scolded himself, his body started trembling from the embarrassment of the situation.

"I get it if you don't feel the same way," Todoroki added quickly, already on his way to go back to his apartment.

"It's not that," Kaminari whispered, holding on to the hem Todoroki's shirt. "Just, uh, do you want to come inside?"

Todoroki was looking at Kaminari and noticed how red they both had gotten.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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