Temporary Block↬ 14

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❛ Hot n' Cold [06:49PM] whatever, I gotta study

Pikachu Rip Off [06:49PM] whyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;((((((( ❜

Todoroki closed the door behind him, his heart beating so fast he could almost hear it

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Todoroki closed the door behind him, his heart beating so fast he could almost hear it.

'I need to stop thinking about him,' Todoroki told himself, dropping the bag in his hands onto the ground. After what had happened at the department store he couldn't stop thinking about the 'what if's the 'would's. What if they were dating? Would Denki even consider dating him? Would they even move in together? What if they did move in together? Would they have gotten a different sofa or kept his?

His heart was beating out of his chest, his cheeks heating up.

But was he thinking too far into this? Would he just fall for Kaminari and then they end up going back to being friends like him and Bakugou?

"Jesus Christ, pull it together," Todoroki told himself, brushing his hair out of his face. "You can't be thinking about shit like this after one day. That's stupid."

But he hadn't been thinking about 'this shit' after one day. He's been thinking about it for a while, even before he'd even seen Denki's beautiful face and heard his dorky laugh and seen heartwarming smile.

He fell way too hard, way too fast.

Todoroki shook his head, letting out a deep sigh before fishing out his phone and opening his messaging app.

Hot n' Cold [06:45PM] I had fun today :)

There was a quick reply.

Pikachu Rip Off [06:45PM] you make it sound like it was a date

Pikachu Rip Off [06:45PM] not that I'm complaining 👁👅👁

Todoroki tried to hold in a chuckled. He started to boil some water for his noodles.

Hot n' Cold [06:46PM] pffft and why do you say that?

Pikachu Rip Off [06:46PM] bc then I would have finally been on a date ;))))

Hot n' Cold [06:47PM] you've never been on a date before?

Pikachu Rip Off [06:47PM] ofc bc nobody was as good looking as you ;))))

Todoroki froze. Did Denki just call him good looking? No, this was Denki he was talking about. He's said stuff like this many times before.

'But this time he might mean it,' Todoroki thought, knowing that Kaminari had never seen his face before today.

Hot n' Cold [06:48PM] flattery gets you nowhere smh

Pikachu Rip Off [06:48PM] I beg to differ

Hot n' Cold [06:48PM] and why do you say that?

Pikachu Rip Off [06:49PM] bc I say so 👁👅👁

Hot n' Cold [06:49PM] can't argue with that hahah

Pikachu Rip Off [06:49PM] ofc u can't

Hot n' Cold [06:49PM] whatever, I gotta study

Pikachu Rip Off [06:49PM] whyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;(((((((

Hot n' Cold [06:49PM] bc if I wanted to continue talking to you I would have invited you over smh

Pikachu Rip Off [06:50PM] okay then why don't u come over? ;))

Hot n' Cold [06:50PM] omfg that sounds so gay you know that?

Pikachu Rip Off [06:50PM] my offer still stands 👁👅👁

Hot n' Cold [06:50PM] I'm good

Hot n' Cold [06:50PM] good night Denki

Pikachu Rip Off [06:51PM] good night Shouto 😔🥰

Todoroki stared at the last text Kaminari had sent. It had to have been an accident. Why would he send that emoji out of all of them? It had to have been a mistake.

There was no way he going to be studying tonight.

Todoroki poured down the water he had been boiling, having no appetite to eat. Instead, he'd had an early night.

The mismatched eyed boy got into bed, pulling his shirt and pants off so he was only in his boxers and fell into his king sized bed. He remembered laying in there with Bakugou, but he wasn't really upset about it as he had been when they first broke up. Instead, he imagined Kaminari laying beside him, a tired smile on the blonde's face with his and the blonde's fingers intertwined.

Todoroki slapped himself in the face, telling himself to stop with the gay thoughts. "Just, like, temporary block him from your mind." His mind when back to Kaminari and how he'd purposely continue to temporarily block him even though he knew how to permanently block him after a quick google search.

"Just go to sleep." Todoroki told himself, pulling the covers over himself and forcing his eyes closed. After a while, he'd felt sleep creep up on him.

Todoroki jolted up, his face hot and his boxers tight. His brain returning the dream he'd have.

Denki was underneath his, his face flushed.

"Ngh, Shouto your, hah," Denki tried speak in between pants. His eyes held lust as he wrapped his arms around Todoroki. "So, hah, big."

"Put it in me, Shouto. I want you to fuck me hard."

Todoroki slapped himself really hard, trying shake away what had happened next. By now his lower regions were getting uncomfortable.

"Jesus, keep it together," Todoroki told himself, trying to calm himself down. He'd definitely be needing a cold shower.

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