Temporary Block↬ 18

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❛ "Hmmm, since now." Kaminari grinned, leaning closer so their faces were only inches apart.

"Really now?" Todoroki asked, leaning closer to the point that he could feel Kaminari's breath on his. "And what would you do if I didn't go?" ❜

Todoroki tiredly lifted his eye, unsure when was the last time he'd had a good night's sleep

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Todoroki tiredly lifted his eye, unsure when was the last time he'd had a good night's sleep.

"Fuck, what time is," Todoroki mumbled, reaching his arm out as he tried to find him phone.

Suddenly, he felt a shift come from beside him and a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

"Shut up, its too early," Kaminari groaned, digging his face into Todoroki's chest. "Give me another few hours." The blonde sounded tired.

At this point, Todoroki was wide awake and aware of his surroundings. He was laying on Kaminari's family sized sofa. The blonde was snuggled up next to him, probably too tired to notice.

"You idiot," Todoroki smiled, allowing his eyes to close as he gently kissed the top of Kaminari's head. Missing one lecture couldn't be that bad. He'd just ask for Yao-Momo's or Bakugou's notes.

He heard Kaminari groan, shifting once again so his arm and leg were basically wrapped around Todoroki. "No you're the idiot!~"

"Really?~ Why's that?" Todoroki asked, wrapping an arm tightly around the smaller male, lazily draping a leg in between the other's.

Kaminari hummed softly, lifting his head from Todoroki's chest. "Because I said so. Now let me sleep."

Kaminari went back to snuggling up against Todoroki's chest, which Todoroki didn't mind at all.

"You're cute, you know that?" Todoroki said, resting his chin on Kaminari's head. Smelled like mint and lemons. Did Kaminari have something about lemons?

"Oh? I thought I was an idiot," Kaminari said, voice muffled as he didn't bother lifting his head. "You know, you're cute and all, but sometimes you're a complete asshole."

"Oh really? Would an asshole be missing classes so he would sleep in late with his boyfriend?" Todoroki teased, a satisfied grin finding its way on his face. The reaction he got from Kamianri was the last thing he expected.

"Get off your lazy ass and do your nerdy shit," Kaminari said, kicking Todoroki off the sofa. Unluckily for Todoroki, he was on the outer part of the sofa so he fell off.

"The hell-?" Todoroki grumbled, scratching the back of his neck. He glared at the blonde who was laying casually on the sofa staring down at him. The blonde had a pleased look on his face.

"Go do your nerdy stuff," Kaminari said, shuffling closer to the edge of the sofa and softly poking Todoroki's nose. "You still have time, if you hurry."

"And since when did you care if I did nerdy stuff?" Todoroki asked leaning closer to Kaminari face.

"Hmmm, since now." Kaminari grinned, leaning closer so their faces were only inches apart.

"Really now?" Todoroki asked, leaning closer to the point that he could feel Kaminari's breath on his. "And what would you do if I didn't go?"

"I don't know," Kaminari admitted, his eyes flickering from Todoroki lips then back to his eyes and then back to his lips. "But I'd definitely be upset."

"Upset?" Todoroki repeated, raising a hand up to the back of Kaminari's neck. "Is that all?"

"Mmm, possibly," Kaminari responded, his lips brushing against the other.

"And, hypothetically speaking, if I didn't go, what would I have to do to no longer make you upset with me?" Todoroki asked, nudging Kaminari closer little by little.

"Mmm, a kiss would be nice," Kaminari smiled.

"You don't say?" Todoroki replied, closing the gap between them. The kiss was a soft and gentle, all awkwardness gone. Todoroki titles his head a little, pulling Kaminari closer to deepen the kiss.

As Todoroki pulled away, he asked, "Would you still be upset with me? Hypothetically, of course."

"I would think so," Kaminari grinned, following up with a, "Hypothetically speaking of course."

"Wow, you're so needy," Todoroki joked. "Hypothetically speaking."

Kaminari hummed. "But, hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't be upset if you hypothetically make breakfast."

"Really now? What if hypothetically couldn't cook?" Todoroki asked, at this point just going along with the whole 'hypothetical' nonsense they have going on.

"Mmm, then a second kiss would do."

"What if I hypothetically kissed you now? Would I hypothetically be able to sleep in late with you?" Todoroki asked, resting his forehead on the other's.

"Depends," Kaminari responded. "I might want another kiss."

"But you'd only get another one if I stayed." Todoroki grinned.

"Yeah, but education is important," Kaminari replied, leaning in closer. He quickly closed the gap between them, not letting Todoroki beat him to it.

"You're one to talk," Todoroki said into the kiss.

Kaminari hummed, pulling away from Todoroki.

"Would I know be able to hypothetically stay?" Todoroki asked, grinning.

"Possibly," Kaminari said, causing an exasperated sigh out of the other. "Only if you'd hypothetically cuddle me."

"Hmm, I might hypothetically do that.~" Todoroki responded, climbing back into the sofa. He wrapped his arms lazily around the blonde's waist, allowing their legs to tangle perfectly together.

"If that we're to hypothetically happen," Kaminari started, hugging up to Todoroki tightly. "I'd say I enjoyed last night a lot."

"I would too," Todoroki replied. "But that's all, of course, hypothetical."

"Of course."

Just some morning fluff of our two lovely bois uwu
I dunno why I made this, but I love it( hypothetically speaking of course)

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