Temporary Block↬ 20

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Lazy mornings though amirite? They're great :) btw this isn't a preview, just wanted to say that  ❜

"Morning sleepyhead

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"Morning sleepyhead."

"What time is it?" Kaminari asked, stifling a light yawn.

"Seven at night," Todoroki responded, his voice covered in sarcasm. It was ten in the morning.

"What?!" The blonde shrieked, jolting upwards before falling back into his back with a loud groan. "Fuck, it fucking hurts."

"What hurts?" Todoroki asked, allowing his boyfriend to wrap his arms around him.

"My ass, you ass."

"Now I'm just confused." Todoroki said, reaching his hand up to move loose strands of hair from Kaminari's face.

Todoroki wasn't completely sure how he had never noticed the light freckles that dotted his boyfriend's cheeks and nose. No, scratch that, how did he not notice the freckles covering Kaminari's entire body?

"My ass hurts," Kaminari groaned, blowing against Todoroki's face. There was a pause. "You ass."

"You should have just said that earlier," Todoroki hummed, followed by a light kiss to Kaminari's nose.

"You're a pest," Kaminari hissed, swatting Todoroki's face away.

"You still love me," Todoroki retorted. "You said so last night."

"Yeah, and I don't regret it," Kaminari grinned. "Hey, can you pass me my phone?"

"Get it yourself," Todoroki mumbled, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

Kaminari squinted his eyes, flicking Todoroki's forehead. "Shut up, I know you aren't asleep."

Todoroki let out a light hum. "I can't hear you I'm asleep."

"You're a huge dick you know?" Kaminari mumbled, trying to crawl over Todoroki to the edge of the bed, but stopped once the pain was just too much for him.

"Fine, I'll go get your phone," Todoroki groaned, shoving Kaminari off of him and lazily getting off the bed. Kaminari only realised how naked Todoroki was.

"Take a photo, it lasts longer," Todoroki smirked as he caught the blonde, pulling out a fresh pair of boxers from the closet.

"I would," Kaminari started, propping himself up with his elbows into a position where it didn't hurt his ass that much. "If my — oh so wonderful and beautiful — boyfriend went outside to get it."

"Yeah yeah," Todoroki huffed, slipping on a pair of sweatpants that he was sure wasn't his, before lazily exiting the bedroom.

Kaminari was alone, staring at the room around him and wow. If he didn't know any better, it looked they shared the same room; half the closet was filled with his clothes; two phone chargers were laying on the bedside table; the huge fake Pikachu plush he won on their first date was sitting in the corner. Kaminari smiled lightly, a warm feeling bubbling in his stomach. A couple seconds pass and his smile faltered.

Although, Kaminari did like the idea of sharing a room, he was scared. What if it doesn't work out between the two of them? What if Todoroki finds someone better for him than Kaminari?

Kaminari felt his breath hitch as light tears stung his eyes. He didn't like the thought of being abandoned again. He didn't want to be replaced by someone better than him. He wouldn't be able to handle that.

"Hey, Denki,"

Kaminari looked over to his boyfriend that was at the doorway and, suddenly, all his anxieties seemed to disappear. It was like everything about Todoroki was so calm and perfect.

"You're phone's out of battery, so you could just use mine for now."

Kaminari shook his head, rolling onto his back with his arms stretched out.

"What the fu- then why'd you make me get out of bed when you just want me in again?" Todoroki asked, plugging his and Kaminari's phones into their respective chargers — they have different phone brands.

"Because I don't like being alone," Kaminari admitted, wrapping his arms and legs around his boyfriend, ignoring the immense pain he was in as he did so. "Reminds me of when I was living with my parents."

The two were silent for a moment. During one of their late night chats, they had talked about the awful family situations.

Todoroki was the heir to his father's large company. He was forced into the schools his father chose and played with the friends, again, his father chose. This led to his mother leaving him while taking all his siblings, leaving him alone with his mentally — and later on to be physically — abusive father.

Meanwhile, Kaminari was quite the opposite, yet similar in some ways. At first he and his parents had a close and healthy relationship. They owned a small restaurant in their town which was quite popular. Kaminari was the 'waitress' at the time. When he had come out as trans, business started to decline; who knew people in more urban areas could be so close minded? Eventually his parents started arguing about the financial situations, leading to a less healthy and more mentally, and often times physically, abusive one. Starting secondary school, Kaminari was an outcast and hadn't made a single friend. All his old ones started spreading rumours about his family and how he "wasn't normal" until he was never really there. Just some kid who daydreamed during lessons. At one point, he'd quite the drama team because even his own teachers would ignore him. Cue his discovery of kik.

"It doesn't matter," Kaminari whispered, trying get closer to his boyfriend. The soft rhythm of Todoroki's heartbeat was enough to wash away any bad thought he had. "I have you now."

Todoroki hummed, his grip around Kaminari had tightened a little. "I love you so much."

Kaminari felt his heart rate quicken a little as he spoke. "I love you too, you ass."

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