Temporary Block↬ 13

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❛ "Though it would have been better if you were a hot rich girl," Kaminari joked, gaining a nudge in the side from the other. Now Todoroki was standing beside him, their bodies only inches apart. ❜

"What do you want to eat?" Todoroki asked as both males left through the lift doors

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"What do you want to eat?" Todoroki asked as both males left through the lift doors.

"As long as it's edible, I don't mind," Kaminari said shrugging. "Unless it's really expensive because then I'd feel bad for not paying."

Todoroki chuckled at that last part.

Kaminari chuckled along with him. The way the other laughed — no, how he smiled — felt so real and genuine. Could you blame Kaminari for wanting to stare at the other for hours?

"Let's just get something simple then," Todoroki said, pointing to the closest convenience store which just so happen to be a couple buildings down and across the road.

"Yeah, smart idea," Kaminari nodded, following alongside Todoroki.

The two were quiet for a few minutes until they entered the store.

"You know, you're not really what I expected you to be," Todoroki said out of the blue, catching Kaminari off guard.

"Wha?" Kaminari chocked out, quickly saving himself the embarrassment of tripping over the corner of one of the aisles.

"Pfft," Todoroki giggled, trying to hold in his laughter — he'd seen Kaminari's fail. "I guess I expected you to be, I don't know, a huge creep." Todoroki wasnow scanning one of the instant noodles' sections,

"Why, do I not seem creepy?" Kaminari quirked an eyebrow, scanning the aisle opposite the one Todoroki was looking at. He could feel the heat radiating from the other and it made Kaminari's entire body tingle.

"I guess you're much more cute than I had expected," Todoroki said accidentally, causing both's faces to heat up.

"Uh, you too?" Kaminari replied awkwardly, making sure to avoid eye contact as much as possible. He wasn't necessarily lying.

"Though it would have been better if you were a hot rich girl," Kaminari joked, gaining a nudge in the side from the other. Now Todoroki was standing beside him, their bodies only inches apart.

"Your assumption, not mine," Todoroki said, looking for something on the top shelf which Kaminari, coincidentally, could not reach.

"Whatever, I was close enough," Kaminari mumbled, moving aside some instant noodle cups.

Todoroki scoffed. "You weren't even close."

"I was right about the whole rich thing," Kaminari pointed out, taking a packet out and dropping it into Todoroki's shopping basket.

"Psssh, sure," Todoroki laughed, taking his own packet off the shelf and dropping it into the basket.

Kaminari felt something tug at his heart. "Also, what's up with the hair?" Kaminari pointed to Todoroki's multicoloured hair.

"Oh?" Todoroki moves a couple loose strands of red hair behind his ear. "I was born like it. It's a family thing."

"Well," Kaminari said, beaming a smile at the other. "It looks really cool!"

"Thanks," Todoroki returner the smile. "You're hair's cool too." He was referring to the lighting- like mark in Kaminari's hair.

"Of course it is!" Kamianri replied, bringing Todoroki to the drink's section. There they each picked up their drinks; Todoroki getting a bottle of water and Kaminari getting himself a can of pop.

"Hey, do you know any department store around here?" Kaminari questioned as the two left the store.

"Why? Do you need to get something?"

"Yeah, I sorta need a fridge and a sofa," Kaminari explained, sighing at himself for forgetting those items back at his parents' place. Going back now would be the last thing he'd want.

"Ok then, there's a store not too far from here, want to check it out?" Todoroki asked, pointing farther down the road. "I don't mind."

"Thanks," Kaminari said following Todoroki to the department store he had been referring to. The two wandered around the large store for a bit, struggling to find an employee to help them out. That is until;

"Are you two lost?" A man, with raven blank hair and the straightest looking teeth either Todoroki or Kaminari had seen, asked. Finally, an employee.

"Uh, sorta," Kaminari laughed awkwardly.

"We're looking for a sofa," Todoroki said, patting Kaminari on the shoulder.

The employee's eyes widened a bit before nodding his head and telling them to follow him. The two did as they were told and followed the employee to the sofas.

The three walked past a couple of sofas until they stopped in front quite a large one.

"I think this family sofa would be perfect for you two," the employee said, a bright smile plastered across his face.

"Oh no, we aren't dating," Todoroki quickly said, his cheeks burning to a bright pink. "I'm just a friend who's helping him choose a sofa."

Kaminari was silent, his face flushed a dark red. 'Do we actually seem like a couple? That's impossible, we're just totally not gay bros.' Kaminari heart was beating loudly in his chest to the point he was surprised the entire store couldn't hear it.

The two ended up leaving in silence, with Kaminari buying the family sized sofa because he was too flustered to decide on anything else.

"Uh, good night," Todoroki finally said, handing over the plastic bag that contained Kaminari's food and drink. "And, god, get some sleep."

Kaminari giggled lightly, taking the bag from the other. "Yeah, you too."

Kaminari unlocked his door and entered his apartment, his eyes locked on Todoroki as he entered his own.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,' Kaminari thought, his heart beating faster in his chest; his finger tips tingled as he remembered how close they had been at the convenience store; butterflies flew in his stomach as he thought about Todoroki's eyes; his mind raced at how Todoroki cared about him.

His heart sank as remembered Todoroki only saw him as a friend; tears stung his eyes when he knew he was just like everyone else to Todoroki; his stomach churned at the thought of the other not being over his ex; his breath quickened at the thought of Todoroki finding out he's boring and leaving him; his hands trembled at the thought of him being like everyone else.

"What am I even thinking?" Kaminari asked himself, leaning his back against the door and sliding down. He brushed his fingers through his hair. "Why would someone as amazing as him. . ."

Kaminari bit his lip, trying to hold back pained sobs. "Love someone like me?

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