Temporary Block↬ 22

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❛ sad úwù ❜

The rest of the day was tiresome to the poor blonde

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The rest of the day was tiresome to the poor blonde. Although he kept his composure throughout the day — smiling to the customers and taking their orders like normal — he just really wanted to be in bed and sleep.

"I'm gonna be heading out now," Kaminari called out.

"Bye Kaminari," Tsuyu waved from where she was sitting. She usually closed up. "See you tomorrow."

"See you," Kaminari replied before hastily making an exit. He made sure he'd leave when Shinsou wasn't around. He didn't want to deal with him outside of work.

Pikachu Rip Off [06:49PM] hey were r u o3o

Kaminari stuffed his phone back into his pocket, tapping his foot lightly against the pavement as he waited for the bus. Although Kaminari could have just walked home, he found himself too tired to do so. All the remarks and comments Shinsou had said throughout the day really got under his sink; and it was Shinsou's first day. Something told him it will just be a repeat of secondary school.

The bus arrived a few minutes later and the blonde got on it. He payed the fee and sat down near the back, plugging in his earphones and putting on shuffle of his playlist. It was mostly lo-fi beats with a few meme songs here and there: like Baby I'm Yours, Mia Khalifa, Wii Tennis, Ocean Man; the dead yet somewhat alive meme songs.

He stared out of the window, enjoying the view when he heard the notification bell. It was a text from Todoroki.

Hot n' Cold [06:53PM] waiting for the bus

Hot n' Cold [06:53PM] wbu?

Pikachu Rip Off [06:53PM] on the bus rn

Hot n' Cold [06:54PM] I thought u didn't like taking the bus?

Hot n' Cold [06:54PM] said it was a "waste of money"

Pikachu Rip Off [06:54PM] pffftt it is

Pikachu Rip Off [06:54PM] but im really tired 😔👊 plus I wouldn't complain if I get to ride the bus with u uwu

Hot n' Cold [06:54PM] Yeah, whatever

Hot n' Cold [06:54PM] oh I see the bus rn

Kaminari looked out the window and there he was.

The bus came to a stop, opening it's door for the passengers to get on and off the bus.

"Hey," Todoroki smiled, sitting down in the seat beside his boyfriend. He rested his head on the blonde's shoulder, dropping his book bag in between his feet.

"Hi," Kaminari smiled back, enjoying the comfort his boyfriend gave him. It was like he had an aura of calmness and zen — like that calm spiritual shit, y'know?

"What are you listening to?" Todoroki asked, pulling out of one Kaminari's earbuds and putting it into his ears. The soft beats of lo-fi played through.

"Pffft, I didn't think you'd be into this kind of stuff," Todoroki joked, gaining a light huff from the boy beside him.

"Yeah? What kind of music do you think I'd be into?"

"I dunno," Todoroki shrugged, watching as a couple passengers got off the bus at that stop. A couple more to go before they'd have to get out. "Probably some song off Tik Tok."

And, as if on cue, the first verse of Baby I'm Yours started playing. It took every ounce of Todoroki's self control to not burst out laughing in the middle of a semi crowded bus.

"You're so predictable," Todoroki sighed, lightly kissing his annoyed boyfriend's cheek. "It's cute."

"You know what else is cute?" Kaminari asked, the irritation on his face somewhat disappearing. "Shutting up about my taste in music."

Todoroki looked at he blonde a little worried. "Hey, is something wrong?"

"Yes, no, maybe? I don't really want to talk about it."

Todoroki sighed, understanding that Kaminari didn't want to talk about it right now. So Todoroki kept quiet, giving his boyfriend space metaphorically while also holding his hand.

The two got off the bus once it stopped in front of their apartment complex. The two stayed quiet, silently enjoying the music playing through the earbuds.

As they entered the lift, Kaminari spoke.

"Sorry about what I said on the bus."

"Why?" Todoroki questioned, pressing their floor's respective button. "I understand if something happened at work and you just don't feel like talking about it."

Kaminari stared in Todoroki's eyes, feeling a gut wrenching pain in his stomach.

The blonde mumbled, "I don't deserve you," under his breath.

"What was that?"

"N- nothing," Kaminari jumped, speed walking out the doors as they opened. "I'm gonna get an early night."

"Alright then?" Todoroki muttered, watching as his boyfriend shut his apartment door.

On the other side of the door, Kaminari was barely able to catch his breath. How'd he get so panicked over Todoroki almost hearing what he said?

A feeling of guilt and pain sat at the bottom of his stomach, slowly building up to the point it was hard to breath.

He quickly pulled out his phone, opened his messaging app and wrote:

Pikachu Rip Off [07:50PM] Sorry Shouto, just felt a little tired after today (: Gonna get an early night tonight...

Pikachu Rip Off [07:51PM] I love you, gn

Once the second message sent, he broke down. He didn't deserve the right to say those things to Todoroki; nor sit with him on the bus listening to random songs on shuffle; nor hold his hands in public. He didn't deserve any of these things.

After all, he was just some boy wannabe.

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