Temporary Block↬ 24

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❛ "But makes sense why he'd dump you," Shinsou shrugged, pulling a chair in between Tsuyu and the blonde. The girl rolled her eyes facing her attention back to her phone.

"I dumped him," Kaminari said to the other boy, somewhat surprising all parties on the table, including himself. It really was over, wasn't it? ❜

"Yo, you alright there buddy?" Tsuyu asked, shifting her attention for her phone to the disbelieved looking blonde who just entered the building

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"Yo, you alright there buddy?" Tsuyu asked, shifting her attention for her phone to the disbelieved looking blonde who just entered the building.

"Just peachy," Kaminari lied, sitting down opposite the girl in one of the restaurant's many tables. They still had another hour until opening up.

"Sure? You look," — Tsuyu looked the blonde up and down. "Tired."

"That's because I am," Kaminari responded, letting his forehead fall to make contact with the table. "I also broke up with my boyfriend."

"Wow, really?" Tsuyu asked, sounding pretty surprised. She had met Todoroki a few weeks prior and had surprisingly liked the guy — platonically, of course. "You guys seemed so happy together."

"That's what I thought, too," a voice from behind Kaminari said. Shinsou.

"But makes sense why he'd dump you," Shinsou shrugged, pulling a chair in between Tsuyu and the blonde. The girl rolled her eyes facing her attention back to her phone.

"I dumped him," Kaminari said to the other boy, somewhat surprising all parties on the table, including himself. It really was over, wasn't it?

"Hah, did he find out your actually a cross dressing?" Shinsou remarked. "Then cheated on you with a real guy?"

"Kaminari, you crossdress?" Tsuyu asked, looking somewhat surprised to the blonde.

"I, um," Kaminari started.

"She's just really good at it," Shinsou interrupted, resting his chin on his palm. "Ain't that right?" Both of them were looking at Kaminari expectantly.

"Yes," Kaminari said, almost choking on his words. "I am a female." That sentence left a sour taste in his mouth.

"Oh," Tsuyu muttered, looking at Kaminari for a moment before looking to Shinsou. "I didn't know."

"Nobody does," Shinsou said, a sly grin forming on his face. The look of pure confusion and... disgust on Tsuyu's face was enough to make Kaminari's stomach churn.

"I'm sorry," Kaminari chocked out, feeling his lungs squeezing in his chest. "I need to go."

"Oh, alright then?" Tsuyu called out as Kaminari sped out the restaurant.

By the time Kaminari got back to his apartment, his hands were trembling and he could barely think straight. His breath was rigid and his vision was blurred with tears.

He found his way to the toilet, locking the door behind him as he searched through the medicine cabinet.

Everything was falling apart; he pushed a Todoroki away; his coworker and friend, Tsuyu, probably hates him; Shinsou is back.

His hands were barely able to have a steady grip on the small orange capsule as he pulled the lid off.

'This is the best for everyone.'

The blonde closed his eyes as he chugged ever pull down, tossing the capsule away as he fell to his knees. He sobbed loudly, shaking.

As his eyes fell heavy, a memory popped in his mind.

Todoroki's first reply.

Why was that the first thing he thought of?

The memory continued on to how he'd been temporarily blocked. Then their second chat, then the third.

Kaminari sobbed harder as he realised his mistake. Todoroki did care, even before they'd met in real life. He had always been there. He could have ignored him, deleted the app even. But no. He had chosen to stay and talk to Kaminari.

"What have I done?" Kaminari sobbed, pulling his legs close to his chest. He felt the pills' effects finally start to come in.

He didn't want this.

His hands still trembling, Kaminari fisher his phone out of his pocket and dialled Todoroki's number.

He went to voicemail.

He called again, but still voicemail.

Again, but went to voicemail.

Kaminari knew he didn't have much time left, feeling his vision go a little fuzzy.

"Your call couldn't go through, leave a voicemail at the tone." A woman said, followed by a monotone beep.

Kaminari took a deep breath.

"Shouto," Kaminari started, trying to level his voice while trying to fight off the drugs. "I, I did something awful and I regret it so much. I love you more than anything and you were the best thing that ever happened to me and I guess I was scared. I didn't want you to leave, so I pushed you away. Shit, I love you so much and I don't want me yelling at you to be the last thing you hear from me."

Kaminari held back a sob as he tried his best to fight back the sleepiness.

He thought of everything Todoroki did for him and all the things they could have done together. But even so, his eyelids felt heavy and his body went numb as the effects were too much for him.

"Shouto, I'm so sorry." Kaminari whispered.

Then darkness.

𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 ⇝ 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢Where stories live. Discover now