Temporary Block↬ 2

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❛ Hot n' Cold [10:25AM] Please go away.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:26AM] nah ❜

Kaminari walked into class, feeling the lack of sleep for the past few weeks finally take its toll on him

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Kaminari walked into class, feeling the lack of sleep for the past few weeks finally take its toll on him. 'I should have at least tried to get some sleep last night,' he scolded himself, allowing his forehead to make contact with the wooden desk; making his current headache even worse. He groaned lightly, knowing that wouldn't do shit but still doing it anyways. 'I wonder if Kiri's up or something,' Kaminari thought, bringing his phone up to his face.

Pikachu Rip Off [09:59AM] yo, you awake??? :0


Pikachu Rip Off [10:00AM] bruh

Pikachu Rip Off [10:00AM] how tf was I suppose to know -_-

Dwayne Johnson [10:00AM] aren't u in class rn????

Pikachu Rip Off [10:01AM] nah there's a school trip today but my parents were like "fuck that" and didn't pay 4 it so now I'm just waiting in the classroom :"DDDD

Dwayne Johnson [10:02AM] dude, I told you you should leave

Dwayne Johnson [10:02AM] they treat you like shit( no offence)

Pikachu Rip Off [10:02AM] ikikikikik (none taken lol)

Pikachu Rip Off [10:02AM] but where would I even go ??? at least here I get shelter n food so ¯\_( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)_/¯

Dwayne Johnson [10:03AM] dude

Pikachu Rip Off [10:03AM] yes~~~~

Dwayne Johnson [10:03AM] . . .

Dwayne Johnson [10:03AM] I gtg

Pikachu Rip Off [10:04AM] o ;A;

Pikachu Rip Off [10:04AM] ok bye then

Kaminari left that chatroom, scrolling through the others he had in his chats list. He saw that the chats he started that night all ended with blocks. 'How boring,' he thought before remembering that certain chat from last night.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:25AM] hey, judging by ur username

Pikachu Rip Off [10:25AM] do you like Katy Perry??? (˵ ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆˵)

Hot n' Cold [10:25AM] Please go away.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:26AM] nah

Pikachu Rip Off [10:26AM] it's fun to annoy you

Hot n' Cold [10:26AM] Can you not find someone else to annoy?

Hot n' Cold [10:27AM] Because I have to get to my next class and I'd prefer it if you don't text me.

Hot n' Cold [10:27AM] At all.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:27AM] what r u gonna do if I don't stop texting you

Pikachu Rip Off [10:27AM] temporary block me??

Hot n' Cold [10:28AM] . . .

Hot n' Cold [10:28AM] I will block you permanently this time.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:28] do u even know how to do that?

Hot n' Cold [10:29AM] No, but I will search up how to.

Hot n' Cold [10:29AM] Aren't you meant to be in school right now?

Pikachu Rip Off [10:29AM] maybe???????????? 👁👅👁💦💦💦

Hot n' Cold [10:30AM] Could you stop making that face, it's creepy.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:30AM] 👁👅👁💦💦 this face

Hot n' Cold [10:30AM] Yes, could you not do that?

Pikachu Rip Off [10:30AM] nah 👁👅👁

Hot n' Cold [10:31AM] Jesus Christ, can you please fuck off

Pikachu Rip Off [10:31AM] nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;)))))

Pikachu Rip Off [10:31AM] you know what, I'm feeling prtty jenerous

Hot n' Cold [10:31AM] Generous is spelt with a 'g' not a 'j'.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:32AM] HUSH.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:32AM] *because* I'm feeling generous today, let's be friends

Hot n' Cold [10:32AM] No thank you.

Hot n' Cold [10:33AM] I'd prefer not to associate myself with 13 year old roblox players.

Pikachu Rip Off [10:33AM] what if I told you I wasn't 13??? ( ͡◉◞ ͜ʖ◟ ͡◉)

Hot n' Cold [10:33AM] I honestly couldn't care less. Now if you'd excuse me, I have a college lecture in a minute. Why don't you go back to playing roblox, okay?

Pikachu Rip Off [10:34AM] Im H U R T

Pikachu Rip Off [10:34AM] I hate you >:"(

Hot n' Cold [10:35AM] Again, I couldn't care less.

[ Hot n' Cold has blocked you temporarily ]

Kaminari let out an exasperated sigh, once again being blocked by this 'Hot n' Cold' person.

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