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❛ Hot n' Cold [01:22PM] Oh my Lord. Do you realise what this means?

Pikachu Rip Off [01:22PM] that u couldve lost ur virginity by a creep, yea

Hot n' Cold [01:22PM] No, not that!( I'm not even a virgin, dumbass) It's that we both live in the same country. ❜

Hot n' Cold [01:17PM] Denki, you're a creepy perverted male that randomly goes up to people and say really cheesy pick up lines in the hopes of getting them to sleep with you, right?

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Hot n' Cold [01:17PM] Denki, you're a creepy perverted male that randomly goes up to people and say really cheesy pick up lines in the hopes of getting them to sleep with you, right?

Pikachu Rip Off [01:17PM] i like this change of you texting me first 👅👅💦💦💦


Pikachu Rip Off [01:18PM] hhhdhdjhdhdv yes. not rlly. why

Hot n' Cold [01:18PM] Because I was hungry and went to McDonalds with a friend and when I was waiting in line, this guy behind me is trying to flirt with me? Please, I need your help right now.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:18PM] what does this guy look like??? 👀

Hot n' Cold [01:19PM] Uh, he is really short( like 4'3) and has really curly purple hair?

Pikachu Rip Off [01:19PM] yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo does that guy have a rlly creepy laugh too????

Hot n' Cold [01:19PM] Yes, why?


Pikachu Rip Off [01:19PM] I swear, I'm saving your virgin ass right now

Hot n' Cold [01:21PM] Alright, I left. But what was that for?

Pikachu Rip Off [01:22PM] I used to know this guy that match ur description of him and hes a HYGE perv

Pikachu Rip Off [01:22PM] like, even 'wotse than me' perv

Pikachu Rip Off [01:22PM] but he moved to the city last year

Hot n' Cold [01:22PM] Oh my Lord. Do you realise what this means?

Pikachu Rip Off [01:22PM] that u couldve lost ur virginity by a creep, yea

Hot n' Cold [01:22PM] No, not that!( I'm not even a virgin, dumbass) It's that we both live in the same country.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:23PM] holy shit

Pikachu Rip Off [01:23PM] wait- so you're not a virgin?

Hot n' Cold [01:23PM] Dear Lord, that wasn't the point.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:23PM] NANANANAH I'm intrigued

Pikachu Rip Off [01:23PM] who was it ;)))))))))

Hot n' Cold [01:23PM] None of your concern.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:23PM] oh come one u can trust me!!!! :"OOOO

Hot n' Cold [01:24PM] I find that hard to believe. . .

Pikachu Rip Off [01:24PM] !!!!! Oi who am i even gonna tell??? >:'(

Hot n' Cold [01:24PM] . . . Fine

Hot n' Cold [01:24PM] I used to date this blondie, but he dumped me for a redhead. A fake redhead.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:24PM] i could replace him for ya 💦💦💦👅👅👅

Hot n' Cold [01:24PM] No thank you.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:24PM] what was this guy's name??? :0 the one that dumped u

Hot n' Cold [01:24PM] Bakugou fucking Katsuki. Yeah, I don't give two flying fucks about him anymore.

Pikachu Rip Off [01:25PM] wtffffffffffffffffffffffffff *DUDE*

Hot n' Cold [01:25PM] What?

Pikachu Rip Off [01:25PM] boi I know that guy

Pikachu Rip Off [01:25PM] hes dating my best bro omgomgomggggggggg

Pikachu Rip Off [01:25PM] what a small world we live in

Hot n' Cold [01:25PM] . . .

Hot n' Cold [01:26PM] fuck

[ Hot n' Cold has temporarily blocked you ]

Kaminari blinked a couple times at the screen, feeling a little fuzzy feeling in his chest. He doesn't remember when the feeling started, but he liked it. "Hah, I didn't even do anything this time," Kaminari said, very amused.

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