Part 1 - A Year Ago

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One year ago:

"You're joking, right?" I look back and forth from my mom to my dad.

"Y/N, we just think it's what's best for you." My mom says.

My dad just looks at me, and I remember back to the day when he figured out that I was Gemini, and Peter was Spider-Man.

That's the day that he decided that he wanted to move me to Florida with him, but he had to ask my mom first.

My mom being too busy with work, didn't have time to argue so she just agreed.

"But what about Peter? I want to stay here with him" I protest.

Again, my parents said no. It's clear that they made up their minds. Now how was I going to tell Peter?


"You seem distracted," Peter tells me.

Peter walked with me to school just like every morning, but this morning I knew something that he didn't.

"Um, I'm fine. Just didn't get to sleep until it was late," I tell him.

He kept walking but I knew that he knew that something was up.


The next few weeks I spent with Peter, Ned, and MJ. I still haven't told Peter yet, even though I know I should. I didn't want this to be like when we were kids and we only had a couple days left. But I just didn't know how to break the news.

Peter and I were walking home from school one day. I was obviously deep in thought, and of course, Peter noticed.

"So did your parents decided whether or not you're moving?" He asks hesitantly.

My blood runs cold and I look at him, "Um, no not yet."

I made Peter come over to my house every day. He was confused as to why, but he never asked or protested. I just wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

When we reached my house, I unlocked the door and we went inside and straight to the kitchen.

"Want some leftover pizza?" I asked him.

He laughed and grabbed a few plates from the cupboard, "Sure. I'll eat your leftovers."

I grabbed a couple of napkins and sat down at the table with him. We talked a little about the homework we had, and about what we would do over Christmas break. Even though that I knew I wouldn't be going to this school at Christmas time, maybe I could come back to visit.

"Hello, Peter,"

I look to my right and see my mom walking into the kitchen.

She kept bugging me to tell him that I was leaving, but I never did. And she doesn't know that.

"Hi, Ms. Y/L/N," Peter replies.

She walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of diet Pepsi out, "So, how's school?"

Her phone started to ring and she took it out of her pocket, "Oh, I gotta take this. But Peter, I'll see you at the airport in two weeks?"

And with that she walked out, leaving me alone with Peter.

Peter opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. We sat there in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Why did she say she'll see me at the airport?" He finally asks.

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