Part 20 - The Truth

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I needed to talk to Tony. I went over to the Avengers facility to see him. The security guards remember me from our first encounter so they immediately let me through.

I go to the elevator and push the button for it to come down to this floor. It dings and opens, standing inside is Happy. He's talking to the tablet that he's holding.

He looks up and sees me and looks relieved, "Oh, here she is. Talk to her."He turns around the tablet and Tony's face is there.

"What?" I laugh.

Happy sighs and guides me into the elevator. He hits a button and we start to go up, "Tony says that Peter called him this morning and started asking questions about who Gemini and Spider-Man were and why no one wants to tell him."

"That's what I came for."

Tony then ended the video chat and happy sighs, "We're heading up and you can talk to him there."

The elevator stops on the 3rd floor and it opens. We walk into a big room filled with windows.Tony is sitting on a couch drinking a drink and he looks up and sees us walk in. He gets up and then walks over to us. When he reaches me he puts his arm around me, "So what are we going to do about Peter?" He asks.

I give a humorous laugh, "I don't know. You guys were the ones who didn't want him to know."Happy follows behind us, "It's just safer that way."

I turn around and look at him, "Did you ever think that telling him he's Spider-Man may help his memory come back?"

"But, what if when he figures out, he tries to go out and be Spider-Man? He doesn't remember being Spider-Man, he doesn't know his powers."

"He could learn," I plop down on the couch, "I mean, he should know. He's curious he should know. He's not going to let this go."

Tony sits down with a drink and rubs his forehead, "Well if we're going to tell him then he's going to have to figure out you're Gemini too."

I sit up more, "What? Why?"

Happy speaks up and has a tone in his voice like he's lecturing me, "Because you're his partner. He's going to be working with you."


Peter's POV:

The entire day all I could think about is Y/N. More specifically, why was her water bottle warm? She had just gotten it out of the fridge. My mind kept going back to the fact that she could be Gemini.

As I walked through the city, I saw some people all grouped together by their phone. I listened in as I walked by and heard a gossip news reporter talking.

"Spider-Man has been MIA for a few weeks now. But now, Gemini has taken his place in keeping the city safe. If you remember a couple of months ago Gemini was the one who was MIA for a year!"

I pulled out my phone and called Ned. I put the phone up to my ear and waited for him to answer.

"Hey," He said.

"Hey, Ned. Who can I ask about Spider-Man?"

Ned sounds nervous as he answers, "Uh, go talk to Mr. Stark."

"I've already tried but he won't talk to me."

"Just try again, or ask Y/N."

Once we hung up I stood on the sidewalk for a little bit before deciding to head over to see Mr. Stark



"Guys, I just don't understand why this is a big deal."

Tony gets up off the couch, "Listen, pipsqueak, we're trying to keep Peter safe, and it's unsafe for him to know about this."

"I understand, but this may help him get his memory back. He can learn to be Spider-Man again, and he can help me because I'm struggling with going out on patrol every night."

I think back to when I left for Florida. How I had to let Peter do all the work for a year while I was tanning on the beach and getting drunk at parties trying to forget about him.

Peter didn't even go out for the first few days. He did it all on his own for a year, and I'm struggling after a week. Not to mention my incident with Peter last week. I almost burned his head off.

"He deserves to know about who he is."


Peter's POV:

I show the security guys my ID and say that I'm a friend of Mr. Stark. They looked confused that I was showing them my ID, and they acted as if they already knew me.

I went up the elevator and entered this big room. When I walked in I saw Mr. Stark and Happy facing the elevator. Standing in front of them was Y/N.

They all look upset, but none of them heard or saw me come in.

"Guys, I just don't understand why this is a big deal." Y/N says to Mr. Stark and Happy.

"Listen, pipsqueak, we're trying to keep Peter safe, and it's unsafe for him to know about this." Mr. Stark says.

"I understand, but this may help him get his memory back. He can learn to be Spider-Man again, and he can help me because I'm struggling with going out on patrol every night." She pauses for a minute and doesn't say anything.

"He deserves to know about who he is." She finally says.

My mind is filled with a thousand questions. It sounds like they're saying I'm Spider-Man.

Happy speaks up, "Listen, kid, Peter isn't safe right now. He doesn't remember anything except a few things. He definitely won't be as safe as Spider-Man."

"I'm Spider-Man?" I call out.

They all turn to look at me, shocked. Y/N turns around and looks terrified. She begins to walk towards me, "Peter, I wanted to tell you, but they wouldn't let me."

Tony sets his drink down, "We need to have a talk."

The three of them told me everything. How I became Spider-Man, how it's affected my life. And then they told me the one thing I thought I knew. That Y/N was Gemini.





A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating for a few weeks. School has been really hard. But I will update it every week now. Remember to vote, comment and share!Love always,MJ Xx

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