Part 11 - If He Remembers

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Peter's POV:

The only thing I can remember is my name and my Aunt May. A bunch of people came into my hospital room, all claiming to know me. I didn't recognize any of them.

There was one girl, she looked a little familiar, but I think I might have seen her on a TV show. She said her name was Y/N. I didn't recognize the name.

A man named Tony also was there, he was dressed in nicer clothes. Not like a suit, but his clothes were nicer than mine. I thought maybe he was Aunt May's boyfriend at first. But they both said that he wasn't.

After Y/N came in, even more, people arrived. I think one was Y/N's mom. There were three other kids around my age. Two were boys and one was a girl. I don't recognize the blonde boy at all. The other girl and boy look a little familiar.

After everyone left, my mind kept going back to the girl named Y/N. She was beautiful, I don't know what she would ever want with me. That's all I know about her, that she was beautiful and her name.

Your POV:

"I just can't believe he doesn't remember me. I've known him since we were five. We've been best friends ever since. He doesn't remember anything that we've been through." I pace around the kitchen talking to Ned and MJ.

Ryder was upstairs with my mom helping her move some furniture around in her room.

"Y/N calm down, freaking out isn't gonna make his memory come back," MJ says.

"I think he'll remember," Ned says confidently.

I stop pacing and slump down in one of the kitchen chairs, "How could he not remember me?"

The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it. I open the door and Tony is standing there.

"Hey, Tony. Is something wrong with Peter?"

He steps inside, "No, everything is fine. The doctors just said that if he does regain his memory it will probably happen within the week."

He nods over to Ned and MJ, "They don't know anything do they?" He whispers.

I shake my head, "No."

He moves over to the living room and when I don't follow he tells me to. I turn to Ned and MJ and tell them I'll be right back.

"I need you to know something," Tony says to me.

"Peter doesn't remember that he's Spider-Man. So you can't mention anything about that."

I stand there in disbelief, "Spider-Man is one of the most important things in Peter's life,"

"So are you. But he doesn't remember you either."

I cross my arms and sit down on the couch, "So what can I talk to Peter about?"

"You need to talk to May about that. The school break ends in a few days, and Peter will still be returning to school,"

"Wait, they're letting Peter go to school? With amnesia?"

"May wanted me to ask you to stay with him during school, and make sure he's OK."

Tony checks his watch and then starts to walk towards the door, "I've got to go. Talk to May."

And with that, he opens the door and leaves.

I can't believe Peter doesn't remember being Spider-Man. Tony said that if Peter regains his memory it'll happen within a week. The "if" part makes me nervous.

I sit back down with Ned and MJ and I turn on the TV to the news.

The reporter is cued and she begins talking, "Chaos erupted at the local mall this morning when a bomb went off in the food court. A few people were injured. Among those few people was Queens' own local crimestopper, Spider-Man. Spider-Man was seen being carried into an ambulance. What people didn't expect to see was Spider-Man's partner Gemini on the scene with him."

My eyes grow wide and I turn to Ned and MJ who also look shocked.

"The superhero Gemini has been MIA for a year, leaving Spider-Man to do all the battles on his own. People are wondering what made her come back to the life of crimestopping. Gemini was seen fighting with the suspected bomber. The bomber was wearing an orange shirt with black pants. She has black hair and olive colored skin. If you see someone that matches this description, please contact the police."

I take the remote and switch the TV off. If my dad hears anything about Gemini, I'll be living in Florida permanently. Ryder comes down the stairs and takes a seat in the chair next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I fake a smile and grab his hand, "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Peter's POV:

Aunt May walks back in my room after talking to the doctor for a while, "Alright, well he said that you can head home in two days. Are you OK with going to school again? He thinks it'll be good for you," She holds my hand. She looks broken, it hurts me to see her like this.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"I asked Y/N to keep an eye on you. She'll help you."

I roll my eyes, "May, I don't need a babysitter. I'm fine on my own."

"No, you're not Peter. You don't even remember who Y/N is."

I sit up more in my bed, "It would help if someone gives me more information on who she is. The only thing I know about her is her name."

"Peter we've been through this, you two have been best friends since kindergarten."

May sits down in the chair across from my bed and looks at me, "She was like a daughter to me. You were there for her through tough times with her parents. And she was there for you when Ben passed."

The thought of Uncle Ben made my heart sink. If only I could have forgotten that he was dead. Everyone keeps telling me that I knew Y/N really well. If she really was so important to me, then why did I forget her?

Your POV:

After MJ and Ned left, I was getting pretty tired. Ryder and I settled down on the couch and turned on a movie. He held me in his arms while we watched, and he made me feel safe. Everything that happened today slowly faded away from me, as a settled into a deep sleep.

I dreamed about the person I love, the person I was meant to be with. My dream made it clear. I don't belong with Ryder, I belong with Peter.

I'm going to make him remember me. I won't stop until he does, and I'm in his arms once again.





A/N: Finals start for me this week so sorry if this chapter isn't good or it's short. I've been studying all week and I haven't had much time to write! But I hope you all like this chapter. Thank you all for reading. Remember to comment, vote and follow! Love you all.

Love always,

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