Part 25 - I Will Always Love You

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My wedding day was the best day of my life. The day I was finally married to my best friend. The day started out hectic with the minister canceling on us. Finally, Tony declared that he decided to quickly get ordained online.

We had our ceremony in the park. The exact same park where Peter and I first met. When we get married Peter and I will be standing in the same sandbox that we met in. Tony paid extra for the city to close it down for the day. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.

The wedding took about a year to plan. Peter proposed to me in May of last year, and we are finally getting married today, June 11th.

Since our wedding was in a park, we didn't have anyplace to get ready so we rented two big trailers for each of us. Romantic, right?

I was in my trailer finishing my makeup when my mom walked in. She was carrying a few bottles of water. She handed one to each person who was in the trailer with me, my step-mom Sierra, MJ, Elise, and Brynn.

MJ and I have kept in touch very well. We still see each other on holidays and we are always texting. Elise, Brynn and I drifted apart once college started, but somewhere during the senior year we had all started talking again and it was like nothing had changed, so of course, I invited them to my wedding.

My mom looked at me through the mirror, "Oh honey, you look beautiful."

I smile at her, "Thanks Mom," I laugh.

I stand up out of my chair and walk over to my wedding dress hanging up in the bathroom. It's a long, beautiful dress with a sweetheart neckline. It has lacy sleeves and a beautiful veil to go along with it.

My mom looks at it, "It looks a little small, are you sure it will fit?"

My mom places her hand on my stomach and I laugh, "Yes, it will fit. I'm only nineteen weeks, it's not like I can pop any second."

Yes, Peter and I are expecting. Somewhere towards the end of February, Peter and I got a little too romantic one night. I found out I was pregnant three weeks later when I missed my period and took a pregnancy test.

Peter burst into tears when I told him I was pregnant. He was so happy he immediately called Aunt May while I called my parents.

I slipped on my dress and modeled it for everyone. They all loved it.

About a half hour, later everyone was in their seats, and Peter was waiting at the altar.

The wedding march started and I walked out with my arm in my father's. I couldn't stop smiling.

I saw Peter standing there in his suit and tie. Ned was behind him as his best man. Ned was, of course, wearing one of his hats.

I looked over to the other side and saw MJ, Elise, and Brynn standing there in their bridesmaid's dresses. MJ being my maid of honor.

I looked around and saw all my friends and family watching me walk down the aisle. My dad and I finally got to the altar and my father looked at me and kissed me on the cheek. He then turned to Peter and said, "Take care of my daughter, she's a special one."

Peter had tears in his eyes so he only nodded his head. Tony began to speak and the ceremony started.

I didn't really listen to what Tony said, but people laughed at parts so I assume he was telling jokes too. I was just looking into Peter's eyes.

"I believe the bride and groom have their vows prepared," Tony says as he takes a step back to let us talk.

Peter looked to the side and grabbed the ring from Drew who was the ring-bearer. He held it in his hands as he spoke, "Y/N, you have been my best friend all my life. I have loved you since I first saw you right here." He gestures down to the sandbox that we are standing in.

"When you moved away I thought I was gonna be alone forever, but some miracle brought you back to me. I vowed then that I will love you forever, and I will never let you go again. And now I can't believe that I will get to love you for the rest of my life." He takes my ring and slips it on my finger.

I watch him for a moment before grabbing the other ring from Drew. I began my vows, "You know I will never forget the day we met. I will never forget when I left, I will never forget when fate brought us together again, I will never forget our first kiss, and I will never forget the first time we said 'I love you'." I laugh.

"I thought I lost you when you lost your memory, but I think then a part of me knew that you could never forget me. And even if you did, I would never give up trying to make you love me again. I will never let anything come between us ever." I slipped his ring on his finger and we joined hands.

"By the power vested in me by an online website," Tony joked, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,"

I smiled at Peter as we joined together in a kiss. A kiss that would change our lives forever.

When we pulled away I rested my forehead on his. I closed my eyes and heard him speak, "I will always love you Y/N Y/L/N"

I giggled, "I will always love you, Peter Parker."


"That's the story," I say.

In front of me our my three beautiful grandchildren. Each grandchild came from one of my beautiful children.

Peter and I had three children. Our oldest is a boy, his name is Benjamin Parker. Our middle child is also a boy, his name is Anthony Parker, but we call him Tony for short. And our last child is a girl, her name is May Parker-Lee.

"Grandma, can we come back next week and can you tell us more?" One of my grandchildren ask.

I laugh, "Of course, honey."


After everyone had left our house, Peter and I sat down together and got out our old photo album. We started looking through pictures from out high school years.

Peter flips to a picture from homecoming, "Remember when we were that young?"

"Young and in love," I tell him as I rest my head on his.

It felt right, I knew since I first met him that it would be Peter and me against the world. And it was.

The next picture we look at is us kissing on our wedding day. Peter turns to me and kisses me on the forehead, " I will always love you Y/N Y/L/N."

I turn and look at my best friend and husband in the eyes, "I will always love you, Peter Parker."





A/N: I can't believe I finished another book. I'm sad to see this end. I want to thank you all for bearing with my scheduling of posting and everything. Also, thank you to the people who have read my story since the very first time I published. I love you all. I hope you guys know that the comments you leave on here fill my heart with joy and make me realize that I leave a mark on you guys.

I have a new original story OUT NOW! It's titled: Love's Deception. Check it out on my Wattpad profile! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. LOVE YOU ALL!

Love always,
(IG: @mjxwriter)

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