Part 2 - Ryder

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  "That was my crazy dream," I tell my friend Brynn, "It was like that's how things should've happened. It's how it should have ended," 

"That's a weird dream. What do you think it means?" Brynn asked.

I shook my head and shrugged, "I have no idea. I mean I miss Peter, of course, we still talk sometimes."

Brynn looked up from her food and behind me, "Oh my gosh, they're talking about that Spider-Guy on the news again."

I turned around in my seat and looked at the TV in the cafeteria. They always have a gossip show on during lunch. I looked at the screen and it had a picture of Spider-Man on it.

"The Spider-Man, once again, heroically swoops in to save many people from a burning building. No one knows how the fire was started, but it took an hour to put it out. Spider-Man managed to get everyone who was trapped, out of the building before they were harmed." The news reporter says.

I quickly turned around and picked up my spoon and took a bite of my yogurt before returning my focus back to the TV.

"The Amazing Spider-Man was able to handle the situation on his own, but everyone is wondering, where is his partner, Gemini?"

I almost dropped my spoon when she said that. Ever since I left New York, it's like no one remembered me. No one wondered what happened to Gemini. I was pretty relieved that no one was talking about me, but now they are.

"Gemini was a newer superhero that joined Spider-Man in crime fighting. She had the powers of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and mind reading. She and Spider-Man teamed up and kept Queens safe. Many fans of the two superheroes speculated that they were dating secretly and that they maybe knew who each other was under the mask."

Brynn scoffed, "Why can't they just leave the superheroes alone for once and actually talk about some things that are important. Not everyone cares about Spider-Man and Gemini's love life,"

I laughed and then continued to watch the show, "Many people who witnessed Gemini and Spider-Man in action, recall that Spider-Man and Gemini have voices that resemble teenagers. So what exactly happened to Gemini? Did she and Spider-Man break up? Or did something more happen to her? More coming up on this story after the break," The reported gave a wide fake smile and then the gossip show logo came on the screen.

I turned back around to Brynn, "Those gossip shows are all just trying to start drama," I tell her.

"Well, you lived in Queens for more than half your life. Did you ever meet Spider-Man?"

I opened my mouth and then closed it again, "Um,"

Thankfully at that moment, the bell rang and lunch was over. I hurriedly threw away my lunch and I told Brynn that I had a test to get to. I quickly rushed out of the lunchroom and to my next class. 


Later that night, Brynn called me about our homework but instead, we ended up talking about Peter. 

Brynn knew almost everything about Peter and I. That we met when we were little, and we were best friends. She also knew we dated for a while. She doesn't know that the real reasons why I had to move here, and she definitely doesn't know about me and my powers. 

"So are you and Peter on good terms, except for you know him acting weird," She asked.

"I guess," I put down my pencil and lay down. 

She sighs, "And you guys talk a lot right?"

"I don't know," I roll to the other side of my bed with my phone still in my hand.

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