Part 6 - The Fair

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Peter was standing by a booth when we all walked up. He was wearing the same thing that he was wearing earlier but he looked a little nervous.

"Hey," I greeted him.

He gave me a small smile and then said hi to Ned and MJ. His eyes kept moving over to mine like he wanted to tell me something.

I send him a mind message, "What do you want to tell me?"

He almost trips back in shock. Ned gave him a weird look. Peter looks over to me and smiles.

"I forgot you could do that," He's giving me a big toothy smile.

"Well now you remember, so is there something you want to tell me? Or is my face just so ugly that you can't help but to stare."

Peter laughs out loud, "Your face definitely isn't ugly. But I do need to talk to you." His face turns serious when he says this.

I nod to him and then turn to Ryder, "Hey, Peter and I are going to get some cotton candy for all of us."

Ryder looks at Peter suspiciously as he makes his way over to me, "OK. But hurry back."

I nod and then walk away with Peter, "OK, what do you need?"

"Please just hear me out first." He pauses before continuing to talk, "I need your help on a mission."

"Nope, Peter I told you. I need time-"

He cuts me off, "Just hear me out!"

"Fine." I cross my arms and turn to him.

"Mr. Stark needs you to help me. There's word of an attack at the mall tomorrow. I don't know who's going to attack, but people could get hurt. I need my partner. I can't do this alone."

"Why can't the Avengers or someone else take care of this?" I ask.

"Because the Avengers have another mission to do. And I told Mr. Stark that I could handle this. He's counting on me Y/N. Please." He gives me a sad look with those dark brown puppy dog eyes.

I lean in and whisper, "Peter I haven't been Gemini in a year,"

"You said you've been practicing!"

"Yeah! On small stuff in my room. Peter, I haven't fought anyone in a year! I'm not gonna be that much of a help."

"Y/N you're the best superhero I've ever seen. If I could have anyone help me with this I would still choose you. Please, I need you."

I roll my eyes, "Fine! But just this once."

Peter's eyes light up, "Great! I'll explain everything to you later about the mission."

I smile at him and then my phone rings. I pick it up, "Hello?"

"Hey," MJ's voice says, "So are you guys coming back with the cotton candy? Or did you buy it and run off?"

I laugh, "It's a long line," I lie, "We're coming."

I hang up and walk with Peter to the cotton candy stand with no line.


"Finally you guys are back," MJ says as Peter and I join the group.

I hand MJ her cotton candy and Peter laughs, "it was a long line,"

I walk back over to Ryder and hand him his cotton candy and he puts his arm around me.

"So what now?" I ask.

Ned looks around the fair in search of something to do. I start to look around too, there are tons of kids and teenagers running around. Adults drinking and laughing with each other. There are couples that are fighting and couples that look so in love.

"Oh! There!" He points over to the small roller coaster that looks like it can be for little kids. I know my friends like all kinds of roller coaster so of course, they would jump on this opportunity.

"Oh, I love roller coasters!" Ryder exclaims, "Wanna go?"

He nudges me and smiles, "Come on, it'll be fun!"

I groan, "Ryder, you know I hate roller coasters,"

I've hated roller coasters since I was 9, Peter and I went to Coney Island and rode the Thunderbolt. I broke down crying on the ride, but Peter was there to comfort me. He held my hand during the ride and tried to keep me calm. Even though it's a small roller coaster, I'm not eager to try it again.

"I'll sit out, you guys can go," I tell them.

We start to walk towards the roller coaster and MJ, Ned, and Ryder pay the worker and get on already. Peter hands his money to the worker but then turns back to me, "Are you sure you're okay staying here?"

"I'm fine. Trust me," I tell him. He continues to stare at me for a minute, "Go!" I laugh.

He smiles and then joins Ned in the front seat of the roller coaster car. MJ and Ryder are in the second row. Ryder waves at me, but then he's dragged away as the ride starts.

My phone buzzes from my pocket and I take it out. It's my dad calling. I hit the answer button and put the phone up to my ear, "Hey Dad!"

"I was expecting to hear from you by now," he says.

"I'm sorry. It's just been so crazy since I got back. I haven't gotten a chance to relax at all."

He laughs a hearty laugh, "I know, I'm just teasing you. I miss you already but I called to remind you about our deal."

Peter, MJ, Ned, and Ryder pass by me on the roller coaster before coming to a stop. They all laugh and unclick their seatbelts.

"If I see that Gemini comes back, you will move back with me. And this time I will tell Mom," He pauses, "I'm just looking out for you Y/N."

"I know you are dad, listen I have to go. I love you." I quickly hang up the phone and put it away before my friends come up to me.

"That was awesome, Y/N. You sure you don't wanna go?" Ryder asks and he puts his arm around me.

"I'm sure." I laugh.

We continue to walk through the fair, finding things to do and games to play. Ryder won most of the games, except a couple where Peter won because of his heightened strength. I laughed whenever Peter won a game against Ryder. But Ryder always looked so shocked.

The speakers all around the fair are blasting happy and energetic music, people are dancing with each other. There's a couple near the hot dog stand that are slow dancing to the energetic music. That brings me back to the night of homecoming when I danced with Peter.

I still remember that night perfect, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Everything was perfect that night. Peter held me in his arms, I put my head on his chest. He held me as he would never let me go.

But then I was the one who let him go, and something inside me knows I will regret making that decision for the rest of my life.





A/N: So sorry for the late update! I've been so busy with school I never got a chance to write. But here's the update, and I hope you guys like it! Looks like Y/N is having some regrets about breaking up with Peter. And what do you think is gonna happen during the mission? Remember to comment, vote and follow! I love all you guys so much!

Love always,

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