Part 14 - Sugar Cookie

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After my mom and I dropped Ryder off at the airport we drove over to Peter's apartment.

We stopped at a drugstore on the way to pick up some cookies. Chocolate chip, which is his favorite. I thought it would be a nice peace offering since he doesn't seem to really like me at the moment.

When we got there we rode the elevator up to his floor. I know his building and apartment better than I know my dad's apartment. I've been here so much over the years.

My mom stood behind me as I got to the door and knocked on it. I waited for a minute before Aunt May opened the door.

"Hi, guys!" She greeted. She opens the door wider and I see four people inside. Peter, MJ, Ned, and Liz.

My face drops and I stand there frozen. Why wouldn't Ned or MJ text me to say that they were going over to Peter's? It's like the replaced me with Liz.

"Hi," I say as I step inside slowly with my mom, "Uh, I was just stopping by to visit."

Peter finally hears my voice and turns around on the couch to look at me. I smile at him but he doesn't return it.

I hold the cookies up, "I brought cookies!"

"What kind?" Ned asks.

"Chocolate chip."

Liz stands up, "Sorry but, Peter doesn't like chocolate chip."

"Yes he does," I stated.

She smiles, "No he doesn't, sorry. He likes sugar cookies. He told me today. Right, Peter?"

He nods intently at her and looks back to me. Ned whispers at Peter, "But you've always loved chocolate chip,"

"Well, now I like sugar cookies, Ned." Peter hisses.

Peter has always liked chocolate chip cookies. He never eats any other kind. I remember when we were 9 and he tried a sugar cookie, he spit it out and said that he hated it and he's never eaten any cookie other than chocolate chip.

"Um, OK." I set the cookies down on the counter and then look at Ned and MJ, "Can I talk to you two real quick." I open the door to the hallway and they both get up and follow me outside.

Once I close the door I cross my arms at them, "Why didn't you tell me that you guys were going to visit Peter? And why is Liz here?"

"She was here when we got here," MJ said.

"And, we just thought that maybe you didn't want to see Peter," Ned speaks up.

He looks sincere, but a part of me can't help but think that maybe they didn't want me around Peter.

I take a deep breath, "Of course I want to see Peter."

"But," I look down, "It doesn't seem like he wants to see me."

MJ steps towards me, "Listen, we don't know why he is suddenly hanging out with Liz,"

"They started hanging out when he got out of the hospital," I sigh.

"He's not even really interested in us. I mean he and Ned are like best friends again, but he doesn't remember me. And when Liz is around he like ignores us." MJ says.

I push my hair back off my shoulder and I look at them both, 'OK, let's just go inside and see if maybe he wants to hang out."

I open the door and walk in with MJ and Ned following me. My mom and May are sitting at the kitchen table talking. And Peter and Liz were on the couch talking and laughing.


Peter's POV:

Y/N, MJ, and Ned have been out there for a while. And why did Y/N bring chocolate chip cookies, Liz says I don't like them, but Ned and Y/N say I do.

While they were in the hallway talking, Liz continued to talk to me about the movie that we're going to see later. I keep looking at the door to see when Y/N and the other two will walk in.

When they finally do walk in Liz gets up, "Well, Peter and I should get going. We're going to see a movie, and we wanna grab a bite to eat before,"

I get up with her and straighten out my shirt, "Uh yeah, we're just going to head out."

May looks up from her conversation with Ms. Y/L/N and gestures over to Y/N, Ned, and MJ, "Well why don't you invite them,"

"Yeah! I'd love to go!" Ned pipes up. MJ and Y/N nod next to him.

"Great," Liz says bitterly, "I guess we'll all go."

She starts to head towards the door and I follow her, but I stop walking when I see Y/N looking at me. Everyone says we were best friends, but if that's true I can't imagine why I wouldn't remember her. Ned said that she was more important to me then he was, that we had a "special relationship". But I don't remember a single thing.


Your POV:

MJ, Ned and I walked behind Peter and Liz as we all head to the movies. Honestly, I don't want to go to this movie, but it'll help me see how Liz and Peter act around each other.

Peter has barely looked at me. Tony said that the doctors said that if Peter regains his memory it would be within the week. And it's been a few days. I don't know if anything would trigger his memory.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Elise:

You broke up with Ryder?

How did you know? I never told you.

Brynn texted me.

Over the course of the year, I made my best friend from Michigan, become best friends with my best friend from Florida. We were always texting and Skyping with each other. I forgot to text Elise about Ryder.

OMG!  Is it because of Peter? Does he remember?

No, and he will barely look at me. He's all engrossed with Liz. I have to go, we're going to see a movie.

I shut off my phone and put it back in my pocket. Ned, MJ and I talked about lots of things on the walk to the little cafe that Liz wanted to go to.

When we got to the cafe, Liz and Peter ordered what they want first, and Liz chose to sit at a two-person table so that Ned, MJ and I would have to sit at a separate table across the cafe. I ordered a coffee because I'm going to need some energy for patrol tonight.

The baristas called out the names for the coffee and I watched as Ned and MJ got up one by one to get their drinks and MJ ordered a brownie too. Finally, I heard Liz's name being called out by the male barista that I recognize from the mall incident.

When Liz returned to her table I saw her carrying three things, her coffee, Peter's coffee and another thing she hands to Peter. A sugar cookie.





A/N: Sorry for the late update! I've had so much homework this week as usually :( but I'm so glad to release this chapter cause it kinda shows how Peter and Liz's relationship is forming and some of Peter's thoughts about Y/N. I hope you like this chapter. The next chapter will reveal something about Y/N. Please remember to vote, comment and share! Love you all!

Love always,

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