Part 5 - Stark

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Y/N's POV:

"Tony!" I rush over to him, "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd stop by, say hi."

I smile at him and look over to Peter, "Did you bring him here?"

He blushes, "It wasn't all me, he missed you too."

Tony clears his throat, "I wouldn't say I missed you. Maybe I missed your sarcasm."

I laugh and then look over to Ryder. He's standing off to the side with his mouth wide open. This must all be so weird for him.

"Ryder, this is Tony, my former boss," I tell him.

Ryder walked over to Tony and shook his hand, still starstruck, "It's nice to meet you."

Peter pulls me off to the side while Ryder has a one-sided conversation with Tony, "That's not the only reason Mr. Stark came here."

Peter took a breath, "He wants to know if you'll be my partner again."

"Peter, I just got back today. Not to mention that I haven't been Gemini in a year." I tell him.

"Yeah but you've been using your powers!"

I look over to my mom who is talking to Aunt May, she looks so happy that I'm back. If Gemini comes back, it'll be all over the news and then my dad will find out, and he'll make me move back to Florida with him. 

"Peter, I just need to think about it." I sigh.  He gives me a look like he wants more of an explanation.

"Listen, Peter, my mom doesn't know. And if she were to find out that I'm Gemini, it would break her heart." I take a deep breath, "She would freak if she knew my dad and I knew and she didn't."

Peter gives me a sad look, "Oh yeah. I-I get that,"

"Um, Mr. Stark and I are going to head out now. We have some work to do." He turns around and heads over to Tony and taps him on the shoulder.

Ryder is still there talking to Tony, "Come on, Ryder. They have to leave now." I say as I pull him away.

Tony glances over to Peter and whispers, "She's not coming with?"

Peter shakes his head and looks down. I felt bad, but I just don't think I can get back into this.

"Uh, I'll see you later Y/N," Peter opens the door and walks out.

"Yeah, see you." 

Aunt May steps up and says that she's going to head home too, and soon after my mom gets a call from her work office and says that she has to go in. Once my mom left, MJ, Ned, Ryder and I were left alone in my kitchen eating a bowl of grapes. 

"So how long have you two known Y/N?" Ryder asks MJ and Ned. 

"We met her when she moved back here. We were Peter's friend and she joined our group." Ned smiled. 

Ned turned to me with a confused face, "Why didn't you want to go back and work for Mr. Stark?" 

I picked at my grape for a minute before eating it, "I want to, but, I just got home today. I'd like to relax a little before I jump right back into work. Working for Tony is great, I just need a little more time to adjust to the move," 

"How come you call him Tony and Peter calls him Mr. Stark?" Ryder asks me. 

I shrug, "I don't know. It's just always been like that." 

"Well, the three of us have missed you, especially Parker," MJ says. She's looking down folding her napkin into a shape. 

I open my eyes wide, and give her a face as if asking her why did you say that? She shrugs and goes back to folding her napkin. Ryder looks at me suspiciously. 

"What do you mean by that?" He chuckles a little and looks back and forth between me and MJ. 

MJ looks a little nervous now but she quickly regains her calm look on her face, "I don't know, they've just been friends for a long time. I missed her, so I imagine Parker did too." 

Ryder nods and then lets it go. I silently sigh in relief because I did not want to get into this conversation now. 

My phone buzzes on the kitchen table and my mom's name lights up on it with a text message: 

Going to be late tonight! Sorry honey, wish I could spend your first night home with you. See you in the morning. 

I frown and put my phone down again. I understand my mom has a busy job, but I wish we got to spend more time together. Before I moved to Florida I figured out my mom was dating a new guy. And she told me she was working late shifts at the office, she was actually with him. 

We never got to spend much time together. It's always been that way, ever since I was little. That's why I was always with Peter and Aunt May. She was always working late but hearing that she was spending extra time with her new boyfriend upset me. I got finished with my nightly patrols with Peter around 9:00 PM. So there would have been more time to spend with her. 

"You OK?" Ryder says. 

I snap out of my thoughts and look at him, "Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." 

"Hey, why don't we do something tonight?" I rub my hands along the table. 

"Like what?" Ned replies. 

I shrug, "I don't know. Ice cream parlor?" 

This time, Ned's phone buzzes and he pulls it out of his pocket, "It's Peter. He says that he's staying with Mr. Stark for a while but he asked if I was free to hang out later," 

"Invite him to hang out with all of us," I smile, "See if he has any ideas." 

Ned types on his phone for a minute before I see him hit send. About a minute later Peter replies. Ned reads the message quickly and smiles, "He suggested the fair," 

"Sounds good," MJ said. 

"I'm in," I turn to Ryder, "You in?" 

He nods, "Sure sounds good."

We all hung out at my house watching TV until Peter texted asking us to meet him at the fair. Ned and MJ got up, and Ryder and I stayed on the couch for another minute. 

Ryder changed the channel on the TV to the news and of course, Spider-Man's picture was the first thing I saw. 

"The Spider-Man swooped in to save the day again when he stopped a 32-year-old man from robbing a 27-year-old man. The police now have taken the 32-year-old man into custody where he will be charged. What would we do without Spider-Man?" The reporter says happily. 

"You guys ready to go?" Ned asks. 

I take a deep breath and put a smile on my face, "Yup! Let's go!" 





A/N: OK, so I know this was boring and it was a filler chapter. But it will get more interesting soon! Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been super busy and I've had all this written on my laptop because I write during school (when I should be taking notes), and I forgot to transfer over to Wattpad. Thank you all for reading! Remember to vote, comment and follow! Love you all!

Love always,

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