Part 15 - Couple

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Your POV:

I felt like the movie lasted forever. Ned, MJ and I sat a row above Peter and Liz and I watched them more than I watched the movie. She kept leaning over and whispering to him and they kept laughing.

Once the movie was over, we started to all walk back to Peter's apartment, but I said my goodbyes and parted from the group. Honestly, I don't want to see any more of Peter and Liz than I have to. I guess they're kinda like a couple now. That's what Ned said after he talked with Peter before the movie.

I needed a break from everything that was going on here so I decided to Skype Elise and Brynn.

I grabbed my laptop from the kitchen and spotted a note from my mom saying that she was out with Vincent tonight. I rolled my eyes as I threw away that paper, I haven't seen my mom much since she came back. I'd see her early in the morning when I'm leaving for school and she's going to work. But I don't see her at night or any other time. She's either at work or with Vincent.

I walked up the stairs and went into the bedroom and flopped on the bed. I called Elise first and began to smile as her face appeared on my laptop screen.

"Hey," She said with a big smile.

"Hey, hold on. Let me get Brynn." I quickly added Brynn to the Skype call.

Brynn's face appeared also and she had wet hair, she's on the swim team so I'm assuming she just got back from practice.

"How were the movies?" Brynn asks immediately.

I lay back on my bed and continue to talk, "Awful, Ned talked to Peter and Peter said that he and Liz are like a couple now."

"This isn't' going to last Y/N," Elise said, "Peter's going to remember you."

"Yeah, and just a month ago you were all over Ryder, and you barely thought about Peter," Brynn concluded.

I whipped my phone out of my pocket and opened my texts messages and scrolled down until I found Ned's name, "I didn't tell you guys, but every week Ned would text me an update on how Peter was doing."

"What kind of updates?" Elise said.

"'Peter is doing OK. He hasn't wanted to go out anywhere this week, and he hasn't been returning my calls.'" I read to them.

"Ned said that three weeks after I left for Florida," I shut off my phone and looked at both girls. They both looked concerned.

"Y/N, I'm positive Peter will remember you. He loved you. When I came to visit you in New York, I realized right away how much he cares about you. The way he looked at you. And how he would always blush when you were near him. He was so in love with you. He'll remember," Elise said.

"I really hope so," I breathe. I checked my clock and noticed it was getting late. I have to do patrol, "Alright, I have to go. I'll text you guys later."

We quickly said our goodbyes and then I shut off my laptop and headed for my closet. I threw on my suit and put my hair in a ponytail. I pulled my mask up and then went out through my balcony and onto the fire escape.

I slowly made my way into town, but I didn't have much motivation. I need my partner back. I need him next to me when I fight. I need Peter back.


Peter's POV:

After the movie, Liz and I decided to take a walk downtown. She was kinda upset since everyone else came with us to the movie. She said she just wanted some alone time with me.

"I felt like they were watching us the entire time," Liz says.

"I don't think they were. I don't even think they care about us," I reply. We stop to sit on the park bench and Liz turns to look at me.

"Y/N cares about you. A little too much." She scoffs and looks away.

I stare at her confused for a minute, "What do you mean?"

"You guys may have been best friends, but everyone knew that she had the hugest crush on you,"

I stared at her oblivious, I don't remember anything about Y/N before the accident. But she does seem a little odd. She's always trying to be near, and she won't really leave me alone.

My phone buzzes and I check it. May is texting me asking for me to come home now. I sigh and tell Liz that I have to go. Before I leave she pulls me into a kiss. It was great.


May is sitting on the couch reading a book when I walk in, "Hey," she greets.

I smile at her and head to my room. But something inside me makes me turn around and open my mouth, "Does Y/N have a crush on me?"

May looks up from her book at me with wide eyes. I continue to talk, "Liz said she had a huge crush on me. Honestly, I kinda thought so. She's always acting so weird. And she never leaves me alone. I'm kinda glad I don't remember her."

I start to walk to my room when three words stop me, "Peter Benjamin Parker."

I turn around to see May standing looking sad, "Don't say that about her. She's your best friend."

"If she was so important why don't I remember her?"

May steps closer and her voice is now more stern, "She was the most important person in your life. Liz is filling your head with lies. You never even talked to Liz at all before the accident. She was only in your life for a short month, and then Y/N moved back."

I stand here looking at May as she talks, "Y/N was your best friend. For god's sake, she did have a crush on you, and you had a crush on her!"

My eyes open wide, I try to open my mouth to talk but May stops me, "You guys dated. You guys were in love. I had never seen you like that. When she was around you lit up. She may have hurt you a few times, but you hurt her too. She's over here all the time hoping that you'll remember her. It's breaking her inside. We all agreed not to tell you about your history with her. But I had to. You had to know the truth." 

May takes a deep breath, "But, a few weeks ago when she moved back you guys weren't dating. She broke up with you before she moved to Florida. But you still loved her. She's back now, and she still loves you. So please stop being so dumb, and give her a chance. You're not strangers, you love her."

With that, she takes her book and walks into her room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.





A/N: Do you think what May said will change Peter's opinion about Y/N? And it sounds like Liz is trying to also change Peter's opinion on Y/N. Also, I've been getting many private messages asking why is Liz still in the story if it's been a year since the last book. So in my last book "Old Friends New Beginnings | Peter Parker" Liz was a senior and Peter and Y/N were sophomores. Now since it's a year later Peter and his friends are juniors and Liz is in college. I'll explain more about this in the next chapter. Also, the next chapter will be extra long cause we get a flashback to last year ;) I hope you guys liked this chapter! Remember to vote, comment and share! Love you all!

Love always,

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